Sub Box Designs


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meh. i'd say this thread has been decently jacked anyways. ;)

i have alpine type Rs for mids and tweets. i'd really like to get focals, but i'm not dropping a thousand bucks for components. i like the type Rs though. they sound nice. not super high end, but definitely not crappy.

i think three eights would be neato. :lol:

i'm beyond satisfied with image dynamics equipment. they are just the absolute perfect blend of sound quality and spl. i've had them for two years, no problems, running strong, sound better than they did when they were new. not the type of woofer to put on a crappy amp, though. ;)


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i dunno man on the tweeters and mids its hard to audition speakers these days it seems. All the places i go their demo boards are always messed up in some way or another. And things dont always sound the same once they r in ur car. I just bought the Eclipse SC8365 6.5 3way component set that i have yet to install along with and eclipse PA5422 4channel amp to power the set. Im waiting till i get my 07 si to install them i think. Try lookin for online reviews of somethin u have been considering. Also it depents on budget and what ur expecting/want from your system. I would tell u to check out cdt audio. (top of the line s**t) they can get pricey but sound awsome. check them out..

akiahara, yeah ID is good stuff oldschool brand. I like old subs in good condition. I love mine, it takes a lot to get them to distort and they get low(impressive since im using a sealed box) Your box must be huge


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my box? hell no. it's itty bitty. 3 cu.ft. IDQv.2 D2s is what i have, specifically. they want little boxes. :D that's a VERY big plus, since my amps and caps are in the trunk, too. :P

oh, and i agree on sampling speakers. sounds different once they're in the car. boo hiss. have any friends with the stuff you're looking at that you could hear in person? :what: i think i'd just read reviews, speak to people i know, etc.


I'm getting there...
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i have always prefered a soft dome tweeter...when i used to work in a shop i always liked the old fozgate audiophile tweeters...smooth, loud but not overbearing...

anyone got an opinion on the infinity tweeters?

i already got my sixes and they are going into the kicks...and am leaving the 5.25 two ways in the doors...tweeters are going into pods in the corner of the windshield/dash...


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a word i'd use for infinitys is crispy. they're mb quart-ish, imo... just not as ear bleedingly sharp.

hey, you'll have to take pics of everything when it's done. :P you live in my hometown, btw. :D


I'm getting there...
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thats cool...i moved here when i was 19 (from wasco) the process of finishing nursing school...then i am outta here...

i was never much of a fan of MB quart...i did like soundstream tweeters...i just need to get out there and do my home work...i will take a pic of my tweeter pods...pretty good idea...i taped the corner of the windows...coated a piece of surgical foam with resin...wedge it in there...let it dry...perfect...i thougth mounting them in the door was too close to my ear...i wanted them a little farther away and not in the kicks...

i will take pics this weekend of what i get done...depending on if i get my tweets or not...


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bump for what the original person did with their subs...


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haha. well, cool. yes, pics. pics are good. :P

what a coincidence.... i was born in bksfld, but lived in wasco until i was about three. :shock:


dont tell me im stupid when u dont know what ur talkin bout, i started by sayin whats rite, sealed/ported thing, u corrected me cuz u wanted to feel good about urself knowing YOU got a sealed box in ur sedan, u said i dont know s**t, i said i do cuz im not a japanese civic flammer like you. u got nothin else to say about car audio and my advice should be taken. you got a lil exited there so i had to remind u that ur not a hero and ur 33 driving a civic sedan


I'm getting there...
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tjlucas said:
dont tell me im stupid when u dont know what ur talkin bout, i started by sayin whats rite, sealed/ported thing, u corrected me cuz u wanted to feel good about urself knowing YOU got a sealed box in ur sedan, u said i dont know s**t, i said i do cuz im not a japanese civic flammer like you. u got nothin else to say about car audio and my advice should be taken. you got a lil exited there so i had to remind u that ur not a hero and ur 33 driving a civic sedan
no further questions your honor....the prosecution rests it's case...


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tjlucas said:
dont tell me im stupid when u dont know what ur talkin bout, i started by sayin whats rite, sealed/ported thing, u corrected me cuz u wanted to feel good about urself knowing YOU got a sealed box in ur sedan, u said i dont know s**t, i said i do cuz im not a japanese civic flammer like you. u got nothin else to say about car audio and my advice should be taken. you got a lil exited there so i had to remind u that ur not a hero and ur 33 driving a civic sedan
You can start by writing like a normal human being and cut the ebonics! You do know that your on the clubcivic forum right? I don't understand why you would take the time to join this forum if all your going to do is trash the car that you and others alike drive. (You do know Honda's are japanese right?) As for your advice being taken... you've proven to nobody here so far of what you supposedly know. If I told you to put antifreeze in your gas tank because it makes the car go faster would you do it? What if I told you I was a mechanical engineer, would you do it then? Are you just supposed to take my word just like that because I told you to? The human race has evolved to the point of where individuals can draw there own conclusions without the help of 18 year olds claiming to be gurus with nothing to back it up. Unlike you, I can back up the following:

Sealed enclosures will provide a more linear response throughout the bass frequencies, they are also quicker in attack due to the trapped air in the box acting as a acoustical suspension system. This is also why they are preferred by people with sound quality setups.

Ported enclosures need to be built exceptionally well and not messed with by the average DIY. Even the slightest miscalculation in port length and diameter can induce huffing/port noise. Ported boxes will play exceptionally well at the frequency they were designed for but at the risk of sounding sloppy or slow. They will also not play that well into the sub-sonics.

Bandpass enclosures are tricky to build asides from being huge. Bandpass enclosures will do exactly what the word implies: "A band-pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range" They will work very well at producing bass at given frequencies and can play very low but are without a doubt the slowest in terms of response.

If you would like to read up on the cliff notes I wrote above:

Oh yeah, I also noticed you live in ontario. Please stop by quebec so I can knock your punkass out. Enjoy your short lived stay on Clubcivic and have a good day!


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pshhh d0nt nun yallz kno nuttin on here. thats obvious cuz yallz all drivin crappy ass economy cars. i kno my s**t and yallz all wrong. akiahara & kaace, yallz the stupidest out of all these rice rocket fools and d0nt kno s**t bout systems.

/trying to imitate that prime example of a noob that needs to be banned

i mean really, out of most of the people on the site, kaace, akiahara, and snoopy prolly know the MOST about audio on here and you come in here acting like you are the ONE AND ONLY knowledgable person in the car audio dept?? you really need to leave because its assholes like yourself that lead other new members astray with incorrect information. if i were a mod, you would have been out of here by the end of the first page.

f**k you very much, goodbye =)


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JDM melbatoast said:
i base it on the type of music you listen to

primarily rock-sealed
primarily rap-ported
alls you want to do is be heard-bandpass

sealed and piorted are great designs but bandpass boxes are a muddy sound and dont do good with higher fregency short bass notes bandpass arefor show in my opinion they look crazy i have a 12" type r in a ported and i love it
Uh-oh! Someone better call Bose and advise them that their 6th and 7th order bandpass sound muddy.


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tjlucas said:
dont tell me im stupid when u dont know what ur talkin bout, i started by sayin whats rite, sealed/ported thing, u corrected me cuz u wanted to feel good about urself knowing YOU got a sealed box in ur sedan, u said i dont know s**t, i said i do cuz im not a japanese civic flammer like you. u got nothin else to say about car audio and my advice should be taken. you got a lil exited there so i had to remind u that ur not a hero and ur 33 driving a civic sedan
if you were right, truly right, you'd have a reason to back up your logic. but you're not right, not at all. so you just keep insulting us and rambling off about nonsense. mastertee said it well, and was absolutely accurate.

oh well, i have nothing left to say. everyone else has said it, too. time to shoo, chid, shoo shoo. :cool:


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HondaSpeedaX said:
hehe his stubborn defensiveness makes me laugh
people who have argued their point but been proved wrong tend to do that. ;) i'm fine being proved wrong, as long as it's proof, not some weirdo opinion with no basis in fact.


JDM melbatoast

That's what she said..
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I cant' believe he's still able to post in this forum, can he finally get the boot? I can't take his ignorance. He may or may not be right I don't know and frankly after all he said...I don't care. This is a Civic forum for people who share the same interest...Civics. It's obvious he has no interest in Civics and would rather hide behind his username and trash all of us.

Anyone else agree?


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, camaro comin out storage in 2 months, its ok though u guys feel big about civic nation and ban me from club civic forever.

98 RS, eat it

(just had to say that cuz i know it hurts, thx)


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tjlucas said:
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, camaro comin out storage in 2 months, its ok though u guys feel big about civic nation and ban me from club civic forever.

98 RS, eat it

(just had to say that cuz i know it hurts, thx)
Yeah BRO! You get in your camaro BRO! Maybe you can join club gino BRO! Maybe you can all get together and listen to techno music BRO! The replacement for displacement is using your damn brain man! I like how domestic lovers find an easy moron way to make their cars go faster (Make the motor bigger) Where as honda's with itty bitty 1.5L motors and some ingenuity can smack a domestic with a 1/3rd of the displacement. So yeah you keep on thinking bigger is better, when your girlfriend get's tired of that she'll eventually let you know it's how you use it...

JDM melbatoast

That's what she said..
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isnt the RS a v6 camaro with a really boxy looking body kit?
