bolt in tube chassis??? hmmmmm...
THIS...Bottom line is the dude put in more time, money, and effort into his Civic than 99% of the members here. If you guys want to hate on it, go ahead. But he still drives a Civic, just like all of you guys do.
We all know that is your Civic. I seen the WA plates on that truck. Don't gotta hide the truth.bolt in tube chassis??? hmmmmm...
Actually i gotta disagree with you. Not one person said i was dumb. I still think he ruined this car, and i dont like it AT ALL, except for the tubular frame part. I can still respect the work and effort that went into it. You dont have to like something to respect it. So therefore i still have my dignity and my tune did not change. Car is still s**t and i would never been seen in it, but the extensive work he put in i give him credit for. Actually, i believe vjf's opinion is very close to minehi 1sikcivic, remember me? im your dignity, remember when you flipped your opinion when everyone around you told you how dumb you were and you changed your tune in that one thread about a "messed up civic" well i left and you clearly are without any.
This is post #6, only three different people posted before this post. I think it's safe to assume that it didn't take a whole thread for him to "change his tune", I think he maybe just didn't state it in his FIRST post.the work he put in is respectable, but it looks like s**t in my opinion. i would never want something like that, even if it was free. No one said it was rice? but im going to have to say it is