What's happening in Egypt?


"The good news is that Hosni Mubarak may step down. The bad news is that he may be replaced by his idiot son Hosni W. Mubarak." —David Letterman


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what is the goal? Democracy in Egypt?
The short-term goal was to be heard. To have their desires realized. To have a say in their own life. Their long-term goal is to ensure that continues to happen. They have accomplished their short term goal.

what is the political makeup of Egypt? what does the majority of the Egyptian people want? do you have any idea?
I do know what they want. They want to be represented in their government.

to cheer because the majority of people in Egypt are organized and want peace and stability? that would be something to cheer over...

Actually, this is what almost all people want all over the world so start cheering. Differences in desires and values often make this an impossibility without struggle but hardly anybody would tell you "yea.. actually, I'd like to risk my life every day. I like knowing that I might die in vain."

to cheer simply because one evil is gone is not a good idea IMO because you have no idea what you are getting..
I know that a repressive dictator is gone. I know the murderous and manipulative things he was capable of. I know that he is no longer capable of these things. What they are getting is the next step, but step one is complete. Step two cannot happen before the completion of step one. I also know that my tax dollars... part of the $1.3 billion+ given to Egypt / year are being used to fund a repressive dictatorship. That's one hell of a weight off of my shoulders. For that, I will continue to cheer.

regions in that area can destabilize quickly.. you will note that while I have stated that it might be a bad thing.. you will notice that while I think the region may get worse before it gets better.. I make no claim to be all knowing.. I am simply saying that a bunch of us yelling go Egypt.. when we have literally no idea WTF is going on makes us look stupid.. pessimistic? NO... I am just saying a watchful eye needs to be kept on what happens there..
Nobody disagrees that a watchful eye needs to be kept on Egypt. This is why the mass majority of the world is doing just that.

you do know that some of the greatest dictators of all time surfaced during times of civil unrest exactly like this right?
As well as some of the greatest heroes

yeah if Egypt gets a more democratic direction and honors its relations with the US that would be great.. on the other hand if they go f**king ape s**t and start to do their own thing that would be a bad thing.. since they have one of the strongest military in the world (somewhere in the top 20 I think)..
You have stated the obvious.
