New profile posts

Hey bud can you give me details on how you did your rear seats i bought some being told they would drop right in and now im kinda screwed if i cant get em to
This is what private messaging is for. Also, if you check his profile then you'd realize he hasnt visited the forum in over 4 years.
Was looking for assistance too
Need help an input on a N/a y7/y8 build. Just want some more pep don't need to rip the doors off the car lol
I'm a budding Civic enthusiast and look forward to learning what I got myself into buying a 98 Frankenstein beast.
New plugs wires alternator and fuel pump. Car turns over with a battery booster but not with just the charged battery?
Hi! My name is Romulo, I have the same problem on my Civic (dry starts fine, wet delays more than 1 minute to prime fuel pump). I want to know if you solved your problem and what did you did to solve. best regards
Hi! My name is Romulo, I have the same problem on my Civic (dry starts fine, wet delays more than 1 minute to prime fuel pump). I want to know if you solved your problem and what did you did to solve. best regards