1. it has been statistically proven that both federal and state aid are disproportionately distributed between predominantly white or minority neighborhoods. yeah taxes have a part to do with it, but federal or state funding to inner city school or predominantly minority schools is horrible to say the least. and most 'minority' aid money come from private organizations whose contributing members are minority and they are allowed to do whatever they want with their money.inequality my ass...
1. if i want help with school through special "funding"... im looking for a hand out..
if a non-white student needs help... thats normal due to the unfair nature of our society
2. if a white person robs someone... he is a degenerate criminal
if a black person does the same.. he is reaching out for help with his life struggle
3. if i rack up a stack of hospital bills.. i WILL pay EVERY cent..
if an ILLEGAL BORDER JUMPER does the same.. he will not pay a DIME
4. when a black politician disagrees with a white one.. he is standing up for the little people..
when the roles are reversed... the white politician is noted as a racist..
5. repeal EVERY law based on race... quotas.. hate crimes.. all that BULLSHIT.. because ALL that does is further segregate people..
2. if a black person robs someone, people dont assume he is strugglin (what planet do you live on) typically he is used as an example to further propagate the stigma of black people as violent and to be afraid of.
3. you may pay your hospital bills, but most bankruptcy filings originate from health related expenses,meaning theres a ton of people out there not paying their bills as you are. and the immigration issue is a whole nother story but me and you have been through that a million times already.
5. black politicians are not always seen in a good light. a lot of people including myself see al sharpton as an abuser of the race card for political and monetary gain.
6. so if you repeal all these laws....then how do you address the problem? just hope that it goes away. i understand that not all race labeled crimes are as such....but to ignore those that are is just naive.
there are exceptions to every rule....but they are nothing more than....exceptions not the rule.