I'm not diverting anything and this thread is STILL on topic because imo:
1) If we wouldn't criticize on each others comments, then Laozy wouldn't see how big the arguement is between his decision and so for.
2) It keeps the thread on top so other members that have not seen the thread and look in here and be like oh, here's a good reason why you should pick "xxx" over the other.
And now, back to what I have to say... Laozy, I recommend you first look and research more into each chassis choice before actually start looking for one. Reason behind this is because if you know how each chassis varies, then it'll better suite your lifestyle. You said during non summer seasons, you want this car to be your DD right? Well if so, then you'd want something more comfortable and appealing to your eyes upon walking up to the car, opening that door, and sitting inside. I know all Civics are relatively the same in one way or another but being comfortable in your own car is what makes the car worth while.