that is a valid point, i treat the officers i encounter with respect even if they dont give it to me, most of the time its very true that you treat the officer with respect you get respect back, but not alwaysThis post says it all. I have had about 7-8 encounters with police officers. All of them had to do with ME. Not that I had necessarily done something wrong, but they are DOING THEIR JOB. They showed up at my house one time when I had the Camaro. Somebody had called in a maroonish Camaro fishtailing around town, so they came knocking on my door. I was still respectful, and even though they seemed weary.....they respected me as well.
Another time I was on church property that I wasnt supposed to be on after dark, cops were called because people in the area were supposedly lighting s**t on fire. Which we were NOT doing, we were simply playing a joke on my friend. But they showed up, asked 2 or 3 questions. I was TOTALLY honest with them, let them know the whole story of what we were doing. They asked for my license, ran it, came back and just asked us to leave because we werent supposed to be there after dark.
If you treat them with respect, and show them honesty....they will treat you with respect back.
my friend was driving his mazda hatch with me in the passenger seat, he was speeding and got pulled over, was very polite respecful and admitted he was wrong he knew he was doing it and all that, but the officer was just really pissed off and yellin at him and what not, i can understand a stern lecture about how speeding is dangerous, unsafe, and laws regarding the reckless driving (in our state anything 20 over the lmit is considered reckless and sent to court) we were doing 15 over on the highway, and the cop marked him down for 25 over for no reason, my friend addmited to it all as soon as the cop said do you know why i pulled you over, he was still respectful after all the s**t the cop gave him and yelled at him sayin he could arrest us (yes me too just for being in the car) but just because we respected him and was polite dosent mean we go it in return
this is only a once in a blue moon moment though,