Safe house, not training facility. terrorist will use the mosque to hide themselves through out the non-terrorist Muslims, when we least expect it, BOOM!Wow, that is so ridiculous, just wow Hector, it's not an Al Queda training facility, it's a place of worship for all religions, it's a community center to help communities. 99% of Muslims are just as against Al Queda as we are, they pillage their villages, rape women and kidnap kids for Al Queda in the middle East.
They should of just called it "religion center" this debate would not be happening and construction would be happening now.
I'm not against freedom of religion, i just want to be some of few that warned everyone. i mean, if anything bad goes down, if not, then pray away, pray away to your lovely gods.
Let's just leave it at this.. Remember September 11th of the year 2001 ... think about that for one sec.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think I'm done here.
have good days.