yes that very very small hole,ill upload a pic right now.please post a picture of what your talking about because the hole i think your talking about is very very small...
oh no not that hole,i have a air filter on that hole right nowAre you talking about on top of the valve cover? If so, it's supossed to be unplugged.. I didn't think so eaither but it is. It looks weird, but leave it alone. No little filter or anything.
yeah i do have a little fited,do i just leave that nipple open?if i do just leave it open,its not gonna suck in anything right?i jsut put that filter cuz i though crap would get inside.Also if you have a small filter coming off the nipple of the valve cover. Take it off. It'll hurt your boost
btw is the hole gonna suck in anything if the filter isnt there?im just scrared leaving it open,cuz the holeis preety bigAlso if you have a small filter coming off the nipple of the valve cover. Take it off. It'll hurt your boost
im just saving up for a whole new b series motor.this motor seems to be running good right now.i dont wanna spend big amount of money on it,just trying to improve it a bit.people still use missing link? Its 2010, just get a map sensor wonder it should be left open so air get out faster?at some point that nipple on the vc was plugged too..they like plugging everything.lolNothing will get sucked in. I believe it pushes air out when idling and does nothing when revved