Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


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I use npc_scan or whatever. It's worked fine for me. Gives me the paths of all the npc's on my minimap and world map, alerts me when I'm within range of targetting them, auto targets for me, etc.


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I use npc scan too. I've found the body several times.. but I've never found him alive.

shiznit - I bet you come back shortly after catacysm. :lol:


Stickin it to the Man
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I use npc scan too. I've found the body several times.. but I've never found him alive.

shiznit - I bet you come back shortly after catacysm. :lol:
i hope not. i did a calculation on how much ive spent on this game since i started playing and im in the 1g range over 5 years. monthly charge + price of expansions + server transfers.


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lvl 80 rogue PVP 89k kills (( the new Subilitey class ))
lvl 80 DK unholy 12k dps (( new spec class ))

Go Horde or Go home


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Cataclysm is almost here. I did the digital pre-sale and have it downloaded already. Who else is getting it?


Failboat sails at 9
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I'll be in line at midnight tonight, took the next couple days off in order to try and get realm first 85...We shall see.


c0up3 stAY Fr3SH
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i cant get into MMO. they look very fun but they r to big for i dont no if ican play the same game for months and months sometimes years.


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Yeah I quit this game months ago :lol:. I still have it installed and still have my 2 accounts on a subscription. But I just log on and run around Dalaran/Stormwind then log off in 5 minutes. It's not fun for me anymore. ICC is so boring. I've never done LK but even the fights leading up to LK are boring as hell. I might buy cata later on when things calm down and see what's new. But with my new job and not having any paid vacation / time off as a temporary, 1. I don't want to risk getting addicted again 2. I'm usually in bed by 9:30/10 so I would barely have a solid 3-4 hours to play each day.

Let me know how it is when you guys get it :lol:.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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I want it sooo bad, I miss arenas and bgs..
But then again I had well geared lvl 80 pally, arms warrior, rogue, lock and dk. Lol nooooo... I don't like pvp at all..


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I quit for several months, but I've come back to play Cata. I was tired of the endgame content... but that'll be solved with this expansion. I'm hyped up for it. Unfortunately I'm not going to be in the running for realm first 85. I've got work tomorrow morning through 4pm and I can't take off since I was off a few days for thanksgiving and will be taking several off at the end of the month.

I got my girlfriend to start playing... so I'm going to start a Worgen (Hunter?) with her (Human Priest) while trying to do all the new endgame stuff. Gonna be awesome. lol


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Meh. I read about cata and it doesn't excite me enough to play lol.


Stickin it to the Man
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cant afford it, would rather go to vegas. ill probably pick this up sometime in january though


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lol I'm 82 now and I'm bored of the game already. WoW is just the same ole same ole. :(


Failboat sails at 9
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Halfway to 82, cant sleep yet. adgbalksdbtkjlabwert


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You better not hoe. DIS IS MAH THREAD BIZNITCH!

Damn 82 already? Is it really that easy to play? Or are you guys in groups? Or have you just been playing for 12 hours straight :lol: :lol:.


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Yeah its so easy. There are already 21 level 85's on my server. It's mad mad mad mad easy.


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They made this game so f**king easy. That's probably why I stopped playing. I'm not even on a good server and I still thought they made things easy. I never got a true taste of original WoW but I played some of it and it was actually harder before WoTLK came out. You actually had to spend time playing. Now, you can hit 80 in less a week.


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yeah dude i have been playing since the beginning and vanilla WoW was so awesome. It was a lot of fun and actually challenging. I really enjoyed it. I never quit when I was playing the very first one, but I have quit playing at least once or twice for the last 2 expansions.

I wish it was the regular WoW again :(


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I wish it was too. Like I said, I never got into it. But ever since the first day I have played this game, I enjoyed original and BC the most. And I spent a week, at the most, actually doing things in pre-WotLK.


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They give you an achievement for realm first? That's pretty cool. I'm talking to the guy who got realm first on our server. He said it took 12-13 play hours. No life lol.
