Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


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Damn, nice... Unholy I'm guessing?

Whenever I get Aeonaxx, I'll be making a Blood DK Tank. I've already got all the heirlooms for him.
DW frost. But I use unholy presence.

For builds, I go to I've followed all their builds for all my toons so far and I haven't had any issues at all. But then again, I actually understand the mechanics and know how to play based on different scenarios, etc.

One time I was in a random with this holy pally that only spammed holy light. I checked recount and it was the only spell he used.


-1 for server maintenance

+1 for Brewfest starting today - my favorite WoW Holiday!
I'm still waiting for my last brew for the brew of the month club achievement!! Grrr. I got one the other day but it was one I already had. I thought they mailed a different one each month :(.


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Im glad you dont loose anything when you die (at least not level 10 and under) those darn flatland cougars, swoops, and wolves are always ganging up on me, and my only attack i cant be moving to cast. at least i have Flash heal.

The spirit at the graveyard says theres no penalty for dying if your level 10 or less. What happens when you die after that?

Oh, and just throwing it out there, I love the "cruise control"


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When you die, you get sent to the graveyard as a ghost. You have to run back to your body, be within 35 yards of it, then you can resurrect. You can only res a certain amount of times within a certain time period. If you die again right after res'ing, you have to wait like a minute or two before you can res again. OR you can choose to res at the spirit in the graveyard. You lose like 75% of all of your attributes if you choose to do this. So you have little hp/mana and do crap damage.


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^^You forgot to mention the most important part.

When you die, your equipment loses a lot of durability. this doesn't matter too much while leveling, but once you hit 85 your repair bill becomes pretty high. I've had repair bills up to 200G before


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Just need to join the brew of the month club and I'll get the brewmaster title/ achieve for my priest


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^^You forgot to mention the most important part.

When you die, your equipment loses a lot of durability. this doesn't matter too much while leveling, but once you hit 85 your repair bill becomes pretty high. I've had repair bills up to 200G before
Yeah that too. That's whats awesome about cloth. I've never gone above like 75g :D. Plate is a different story though.... That s**t'll get expensive fast.


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Yeah that too. That's whats awesome about cloth. I've never gone above like 75g :D. Plate is a different story though.... That s***'ll get expensive fast.
I was talking about cloth.. lol. I've only ever had clothies as mains.


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200g cloth bills?!?!?!?! Holy crap. You break everything?? lol


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lol, no. With one yellow piece it's regularly around 170


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Jesus. Maybe it's because I haven't raided yet but that is crazy.


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what's your iLvL?.... the higher the more expensive it is when it breaks

Just joined the brew of the month club and got my brewfest title / achievement. Also have downed coren direbrew both days so far, with no loot in the keg shaped chest. I want a mount, damnit.


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Currently 35...8? I haven't raided in a long time though.

Got my DK up to 353 ilvl. Tearing it up in random za/zg's. Still have a green helm and doing 14-17k steady dps.


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^^Yea, that's why. My ilvl is about 371.

btw, still camping Aeonaxx -.-

Someday, he shall be mine!



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Get the starting quest in a major city then go to the brewfest area at the bottom of the ramp of the Ironforge entrance.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Have to be in Ironforge, or is there one at Org as well?


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^^I believe there's one just outside the front gates of org


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Yep. You'll have to do it for a couple days to actually be able to get anything cool (actually that's a lie, you can get a pet just by doing one quest). You'll need to do the dailies to save up coins to buy pets, gear, etc...


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The priest was getting boring being that I was always playing alone. An I couldn't move and attack at the same time. So I made another huntard. This time it's a night elf. Lol I'm very indecisive.
