OK Kiddo....you need to sit back and use this magical thing called the internet. You MIGHT just be on it when you reply to this thread!
Go to Google(it's a fairly new search engine..heard it's pretty decent though), and type in your year/make/model and put, oh, I dunno..."routine maintenance" after it. You should also go to Wiki and type in your car b/c it'll give the specs pretty accurately so you know what Google is talking about. This might require you to have 2 tabs open, so be careful.
Once you get reading about that, go drive your car, let it sit and idle, see if you notice 'issues'. Then get BACK on that internet and type into Google what the car is doing instead of making a new thread, or use the search button on here but remember...try many search variations first.
Before you start asking questions about which maintenance brands to get, GOOGLE Honda OEM and more common parts.
Lastly, I don't know how you're going to do ANY of this without having steady income. Get a better job, save your money, and/or leave your car alone.