I really wish I could see every post as I reply to them, but I can't, so I'll just go with the few that stick out the most nothing personal to the rest of you, I'll address your replies when I get to a real computer.
First and foremost, thank you to each of you who have replied, any and all feedback is appreciated.
Puma: no hard feelings, I totally get you, I've been much worse of in the past, I actually did live I'm my cart for a while, in TN, during the winter. Really, but, I was a drunk then, and look back on that whole experience as a lesson learned. I don't drink at all anymore, haven't so much as had a beer in 8 months, liquor even longer. But, that is a while different story, and not a part of the issues at hand. I wasn't looking for a pity party by any means, just wanted to vent.
To the person that mentioned Target (i believe it was connie) I unintentionally burned that bridge many many years ago, long story short is they have a very strict "no-call, no-show, no-job" policy that they stick to :/ even though it was 12 years ago, and I have a very solid work history since then (up to 1-1-11 ironically, when I became a full-time stay-at-home dad)
To the person who mentioned the logistics thing, I'm pretty sure that'd require internet service, which, I don't have.
To the person who mentioned cape canaveral, that's VERY close to where I live but again, with one running vehicle, it's too far to walk with a 2 year old.
I don't remember much more off the top of my head, so I'll get back to topic, while I was out driving around looking for help wanted signs, I stopped at brighthouse just for s&g, only to be told the minimum payment they would take to restore service is $300. :eek: which really, really sucks, because if I had sold this motor BEFORE they came out and did the "hard disconnect" I could have payed $140 and they would have worked with me on the balance.
The only thing I HAD left of value was my laptop the wife got me for fathers day, when brighthouse told me $300, I immediately took the dell to the pawn shop I now have a full tank of gas, diapers, and food enough to last til my wife gets paid again.
I'll be honest with y'all, I'm not "d@&#-in-the-dirt-poor" but I used to live so much better than this paycheck to paycheck bull.
I am a very optimistic person, and I try to help people as much as possible. I don't drink, I don't do any kind of drugs, and other than a bit of a caffeine addiction (yea-yea, "caffeine is a drug" save it.) I'm as straight laced as they come. I'm a firm believer in karma, and "pay it forward" so don't flip s**t on me in a few months when/if I'm I'm a better place, and the coupe starts getting worked on. My wife works full time, and her schedule is really weird, having one car would be an epic fail from the word go.
She is off wednesday, and I'm going to go to Brevard Work Force to see what, I'd anything they can do for me. They use employ florida, which I look at everyday and apply to anything within the realms of my situation, but, I was just made aware that they offer job placement and some other services, so I'm gonna look into that
Someone asked what my field of expertise is, I just remembered that. I am an ASE certified former Honda tech, I went to NADC (Nashville Auto Diesel College) I have multiple certifications from Kenworth, Freightliner, Ford, etc. I'm also certified in all aspects of Honda, with the exception of hybrid batteries and the Civic GX (the service manager wouldn't let me go to the courses because they don't see enough of them to justify it )
That being said, I have been unemployed since 1-1-11, I was let go 12-31-10 due to "downsizing" and received unemployment for 1 year, but, that ran out a long time ago, we've been getting by on my wifes income, and my doing sidework.
Sidework has been sporadic at best, not a reliable source of income at all. Which is why we got the coupe, that and titling issues with the hatch (again, not the topic at hand, but I chose to add it for detail, and so that y'all would understand why I have 2 "project cars" which, I don't.)
I am hoping to be gainfully employed asap, my sons B-Day is on the 4th, and although he won't know any better, I still wanna be able to do something for him, he quite literally saved my life, a b-day gift is the least I can do for him
I think this is probably the longest post I've ever made, and I'm sure it's slap full of grammatical errors and auto-correct ownage, but, it's whatever. I have vented, and I honestly feel better. Hell, even my stress headache is gone
Thanks for reading, if there is anything I didn't clarify, please, feel free to ask.
For the smartys out there, my favorite color is silver :p
Sent from my craptastic metro pcs android using Tapatalk2 (I miss my "real" internet
First and foremost, thank you to each of you who have replied, any and all feedback is appreciated.
Puma: no hard feelings, I totally get you, I've been much worse of in the past, I actually did live I'm my cart for a while, in TN, during the winter. Really, but, I was a drunk then, and look back on that whole experience as a lesson learned. I don't drink at all anymore, haven't so much as had a beer in 8 months, liquor even longer. But, that is a while different story, and not a part of the issues at hand. I wasn't looking for a pity party by any means, just wanted to vent.
To the person that mentioned Target (i believe it was connie) I unintentionally burned that bridge many many years ago, long story short is they have a very strict "no-call, no-show, no-job" policy that they stick to :/ even though it was 12 years ago, and I have a very solid work history since then (up to 1-1-11 ironically, when I became a full-time stay-at-home dad)
To the person who mentioned the logistics thing, I'm pretty sure that'd require internet service, which, I don't have.
To the person who mentioned cape canaveral, that's VERY close to where I live but again, with one running vehicle, it's too far to walk with a 2 year old.
I don't remember much more off the top of my head, so I'll get back to topic, while I was out driving around looking for help wanted signs, I stopped at brighthouse just for s&g, only to be told the minimum payment they would take to restore service is $300. :eek: which really, really sucks, because if I had sold this motor BEFORE they came out and did the "hard disconnect" I could have payed $140 and they would have worked with me on the balance.
The only thing I HAD left of value was my laptop the wife got me for fathers day, when brighthouse told me $300, I immediately took the dell to the pawn shop I now have a full tank of gas, diapers, and food enough to last til my wife gets paid again.
I'll be honest with y'all, I'm not "d@&#-in-the-dirt-poor" but I used to live so much better than this paycheck to paycheck bull.
I am a very optimistic person, and I try to help people as much as possible. I don't drink, I don't do any kind of drugs, and other than a bit of a caffeine addiction (yea-yea, "caffeine is a drug" save it.) I'm as straight laced as they come. I'm a firm believer in karma, and "pay it forward" so don't flip s**t on me in a few months when/if I'm I'm a better place, and the coupe starts getting worked on. My wife works full time, and her schedule is really weird, having one car would be an epic fail from the word go.
She is off wednesday, and I'm going to go to Brevard Work Force to see what, I'd anything they can do for me. They use employ florida, which I look at everyday and apply to anything within the realms of my situation, but, I was just made aware that they offer job placement and some other services, so I'm gonna look into that
Someone asked what my field of expertise is, I just remembered that. I am an ASE certified former Honda tech, I went to NADC (Nashville Auto Diesel College) I have multiple certifications from Kenworth, Freightliner, Ford, etc. I'm also certified in all aspects of Honda, with the exception of hybrid batteries and the Civic GX (the service manager wouldn't let me go to the courses because they don't see enough of them to justify it )
That being said, I have been unemployed since 1-1-11, I was let go 12-31-10 due to "downsizing" and received unemployment for 1 year, but, that ran out a long time ago, we've been getting by on my wifes income, and my doing sidework.
Sidework has been sporadic at best, not a reliable source of income at all. Which is why we got the coupe, that and titling issues with the hatch (again, not the topic at hand, but I chose to add it for detail, and so that y'all would understand why I have 2 "project cars" which, I don't.)
I am hoping to be gainfully employed asap, my sons B-Day is on the 4th, and although he won't know any better, I still wanna be able to do something for him, he quite literally saved my life, a b-day gift is the least I can do for him
I think this is probably the longest post I've ever made, and I'm sure it's slap full of grammatical errors and auto-correct ownage, but, it's whatever. I have vented, and I honestly feel better. Hell, even my stress headache is gone
Thanks for reading, if there is anything I didn't clarify, please, feel free to ask.
For the smartys out there, my favorite color is silver :p
Sent from my craptastic metro pcs android using Tapatalk2 (I miss my "real" internet