I want to take a multi-vitamin too. I'm always tired in the morning.What are you taking? I really need to start taking one, but I ALWAYS forget. I don't like taking pills of any sort. That's part of the reason why I opted to have the no baby surgery - I forget to take the pill.
Last I checked outside was free and it's better for you too. A treadmill forces you on a constant pavement, outside utilizes different muscles.
I do my sit ups and push ups at home, and run/walk my neighborhood. s***ty weather I do down and backs in the garage.
I'm reading a lot of excuses.
And this. I HATE treadmills. I love running outside (raining or not) because it's varied terrain and you have to get to a destination AND come back. You don't just stop whenever you want. You push yourself harder.
I take a lot of home exercises from my best friend who plays in the Lingerie Football League. Some of those simple work outs (that don't require equipment at all) will kick your ass!
I don't like to use equipment (except dumbells for lifting and such) because some of the hardest work-outs rely on your body and fighting gravity.