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Thats the plan =)


All Day, All JDM
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nice booty


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Haha...thanks man =)

Ok, so I haven't said anything as I wasn't sure when/if things were going to actually go down. I was selling stuff to save for new seats but then a friend and I were talking and he was in a spot that he needed a motor. I jokingly said buy mine and I'll pick up the one I want. Quickly the seat plan got put on the back burner and he opted to get my motor. Pulled it between Saturday/Sunday with the limited time we had each day to work...
Hover car status was not just for fender

What might be going in place you ask? I went up to Richmond, about 2hrs from me, with a buddy to look at motors at JspecAuto.
Had my choice of 3 96/97 Spec B18C-R's...2 pictured as the 3rd was being pulled...

Choice made! Got the full swap and will be parting what I dont need =)

Random shifter that was on the linkage that didnt look like ITR. Some mystery JDM

And on the subject of seats...homie decided that he wanted the Accord Euro R seats they had in stock at a crazy crack head price. So actually I will probably get his JDM black DC2's to replace my red Recaro Speed's. If I decide I want something a little more then the JDM's will go f/s



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Thanks guys. Looking forward to getting a few things done while the motor is out and then putting this R in place. Hope to be rolling by Christmas =)


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Cleaning things up some, nothing crazy. Moving the alarm horn and probably getting the Spoon RigiCola kit =) Much easier to install that kit with no But also changing the test pipe if I can find the one I want in stock. If not it will change after the car is back on the road. I'll be adding a Hondata IM gasket to the ITR motor as well as a new Spoon thermostat and fan switch. Also putting in a tuck clutch line to ditch that OEM New belts as well since its down out easy to get to and painting the PS and AC brackets.


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Thanks man. Got the trans pulled off the R motor and the motor up on the stand. Should get all the maintenance done this week and try to drop in next weekend. =)


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Thanks all =)

Yes emerican, I plan on doing a dyno tune some time after the new year. I have a base map chip and a tuned chip to plug in until I get on the rollers. I have a Hondata S200 setup for the P28 but I'm just going to pull that chip out and use one of the other chips for now. I have no clue whats on the S200 so I dont feel safe starting it up on it. It was something I got in trade with no history as my buddy got it in trade I might end up trading the S200 stuff in and upgrading it to 300 anyway...we shall see!


Slow But Not Low
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5+ Year Member
Nice pickup. Can't wait to see this thing on the track with the new engine.
