that was not the decision of a single cop. any action taken, including the first act of pursuing the vehicle when it refuses to pull over is all coordinated by supervisors and other senior officers. true, pursuits can be called off if considered unsafe, but some quick math will show they were traveling at triple digit speeds for over 40minutes, definately a threat to be taken off the road. pursuit-ending maneuvers are a last resort, and for chasing that long, i dont see many other options. im sure that one cop took the lead b/c he was prolly the most qualified to use the move and was ordered to do so (memory sux, but i dont even he was up front for over a minute before he ended the pursuit) tragic, yes, but i think everyone has seen enough police vids to know that running for small stuff can cause you to pay huge. and if you are running that hard, you are gonna give the cops some wrong ideas as to why you wont stop, and they will do what is necessary to terminate the chase. as harsh as this sounds, im happy it was the suspects and not somebody i knew (or one of the officers in pursuit) who could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time when the suspect may have lost control trying to flee.