DEBATE: Police chase video


Oct 10th
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You run from the cops, their gonna bring an ass kicking with them.

Bangin' HB

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that was not the decision of a single cop. any action taken, including the first act of pursuing the vehicle when it refuses to pull over is all coordinated by supervisors and other senior officers. true, pursuits can be called off if considered unsafe, but some quick math will show they were traveling at triple digit speeds for over 40minutes, definately a threat to be taken off the road. pursuit-ending maneuvers are a last resort, and for chasing that long, i dont see many other options. im sure that one cop took the lead b/c he was prolly the most qualified to use the move and was ordered to do so (memory sux, but i dont even he was up front for over a minute before he ended the pursuit) tragic, yes, but i think everyone has seen enough police vids to know that running for small stuff can cause you to pay huge. and if you are running that hard, you are gonna give the cops some wrong ideas as to why you wont stop, and they will do what is necessary to terminate the chase. as harsh as this sounds, im happy it was the suspects and not somebody i knew (or one of the officers in pursuit) who could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time when the suspect may have lost control trying to flee.


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ah.. forget it, it just doesnt want me to watch it.. I give up..

Grafix Ink.

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on an suv that was basically going to happen.... either the driver loosing control, or what the cop did.
it needed to be done,, more lives could have been at risk, they were 17 or soo they knew the law, they have judgement...
what was done was done, and needed to be done...
if it wasn't an suv the outcome could have been diff...


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wow well he did his job, but well they could of tryed some other stunt


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EX 2000 said:
she should have pulled over, but a pit manuever at 100mph is not a smart thing to do....i mean u think they're gonna go into a spin and stay on the road? at those speeds, the pit manuever is more dangarous than letting them go imo, should have used a road block or something
unless the 21 year old girl is in the trunk and the people in control of the car are violent criminals..

most NORMAL people would not try to evade police at over 100 mph over a 70 mile span...


2 Years Old!
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sucks that they died, but it was just plain stupidity .. where was she running to? who was she getting away from in that clunky ass SUV? i guess she panicked and paid dearly because of it, fortunately she died and not some innocent bystander.


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He did the right thing....100%!!!!!! Those two would have ended up running a light somewhere killing an inosent family somewhere. they are the ones the chose to break the law and they paid for it with their lives. Its unfortunate but serves them right.

Right outside of my house, a 16 or 17 year old kid got mom and dad to buy him a 600cc or so streetbike. He brought it up to "speeds well over the speed limit" and stuck a car making a left turn from a side street. The bike was stuck into the car, off the ground. i have pics somewhere, but IMO the kid deserved it. He had to have been doing 100 plus. People are like its so sad he shouldn't have died, and yea, its say, but serves him right.

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sohc 4 u

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i think the cop did the right thing, what ive the cop had let it pursue some more and the gurl ran into the back of a family in a van or something and all 7 people died.... then u would of said why didn't he try and do something.... so i think he did what he had to do and the gurl paid for her actions.....


no rice
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the cop did his job ....if u stupid enough to not stop when the cop asked u n started goin at 100 mph n think they are not goin to do sometin .. she had to pay a bigger price now.. she should just got the ticket instead of trying to escape..


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They have this thing called stop sticks. In my opinion use that instead.....there could have been a huge crash. The driver of the police car had to have some great driving skills and experiance to pull that off. Very lucky the suv didn't just start tumbeling down the road instead of sliding off. Not like they didn't have the plate numbers to get her later. They have also started to call off high speed chases when they are in heavy traffic like that do to high danger.


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loccusst said:
They have this thing called stop sticks. In my opinion use that instead.....there could have been a huge crash. The driver of the police car had to have some great driving skills and experiance to pull that off. Very lucky the suv didn't just start tumbeling down the road instead of sliding off. Not like they didn't have the plate numbers to get her later. They have also started to call off high speed chases when they are in heavy traffic like that do to high danger.

Stop sticks AKA Spike Strips. If could have just as bad of an effect as the pit minuever. Depending on the department different tatics are used. Some counties or citys, or states (depending on the goverenment, city cousiles and such) they might not be able to use spike strips cause they don't have them. Some area's don't use the pit minuver. You have to be trained to use that minuver so not just any cop can use it.

Cars are not always preditable so its a judgement call. They might have been able to set up some spike strips up the road but by the time she got to them, there would prolly be traffic around her or infront, which would make it hard to deploy them.


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i think i watched this video a while ago. Its like my pops always says heindsight is a 2020 ... its easy for all of us to sit here and judge all this s**t after the fact while watchin the video. Personally i think they shoulda called it off, they woulda slowed down when there wasnt cops on em no more


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so the 21 year old female driver had a 17 year old passenger.. this passenger didnt refuse to pull over.. this passenger didnt do anything against the law.. this passenger died.... definately not fair, that cop shouldnt have performed that manuever at those speeds..
granted he did a good thing bringing the girl to justice... but he killed a innocent passenger in the works


I'm NOT eran!
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Though she did resist arrest by fleeing I do not believe that she or her passenger deserved to die for it. Yes it was stupid for her to run and she shouldn't have. Engaging in a high speed persuit was not the answer though. I do not believe in police persuits for non-violent crimes. It's asking for someone to get hurt (suspect, officer, or innocent). Laws are actually being propsed in some states regarding this issue.

The officer on the tape mentioned that she was putting the public at risk. Yes she was clocked initially at 86mph. I doubt that she would have been going in excess of 100mph if she was not being chased though.

I think if the officers planned to use the pit manuever they should have first attempted to block her in and slow her speed considerably.

I'm going to have to remember to check and see exaclty what the police would have access to as far as her records in a situation like this to say anything more.


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the officers did what they had to . i believe they did the right thing and it was horrible that the two died but thats what you get for running from the law . officers did everything when the time was exact. it was clear for that minute and the officers decided to bite back. did anyone see any cars go passed when they did it because usually they stop traffic.


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Pit maneuver wasn't the smartest thing to do at those speeds but he did his job so it could go either way.

Bangin' HB

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im not disagreeing with anything anybody said, but i did want to point out that the chase lasted for over 40min, and you only saw a couple of those min. other procedures could have been used, just maybe werent successful and not shown. a box-in could have been used, but i also think it would have been the most dangerous scenario for the officers. she was in an suv and could have easily sent a partol car out of control if she got agressive in the box.
NOFX, i do know it is some city policies to not pursue. i know my home town where my dad is a detective, they do not pursue vehicles unless the crime is severe (homicide, robbery) but this is not everywhere. but about checking her records, i dont see that as a reason to call off a pursuit. every criminal once had a clean slate. and even tho she had just traffic violations, fleeing only makes the suspect look like they are running b/c of something serious they may have done.

96 DX Hatch

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I think they did their job, but then again at that speed I think they should've tried something else. Maybe squeeze the truck inbetween 2 copcars (if they even do that), or get 1 cruiser in front 1 on the side and 1 on the rear of the truck and box her in, or even just try something called "spike + strips" or "road + block".

hell, worst case scenario, hold a piece of chocolate out the window of the cruiser and watch her immediately stop and get out.


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I didn't watch the vid clip, but from what I've read it seems like the cop might have the done the right thing; however, whenever I've seen that manuever pulled off in other chases the cops usually try to block the vehicle in so that it is not only moving slower, but also puts a barrier between the criminal and any innocents.

I think that in the case of someone trying to outrun the cops, if the cops can get the plate numbers they should have units show up at the house. That way they don't have to put so much energy into the chase which could avoid a worst case scenario on the highway.
