Gas Prices...


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^ ha last thread i check was about you buying your gun
calm down...


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We don't have a shortage of oil, we have a shortage of refineries. There hasn't been a new oil refinery made in the U.S. in 25 years.


aka superman
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our dollar isnt worth s**t because of our buddy bush. until we get out of this little depression, were going to be spending a shitload of money on gas. because of this, all sales are down. where i live, nobodys going out to spend money they dont need to. nobody spending money means im not going to have a job much longer and my dream of a new car is shattered. they expected about 60,000 people get laid off because our economy sucks.

good thing i drive a n/a single 28mpg ftw


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I remember it only took me 30 bucks or less to fill up the 04 ex now it takes about 45 bucks. and that was just an year ago.

single cam ftw.


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who cares, the US still has some of the cheapest gas in the world

i paid 3.98 for premium today, gas prices arent going to stop me from enjoying my car...


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it's 4.27 for 91 around here.

i've noticed people putting regular in their Premium only cars and suv's. like an H2. he's going to get knocking from his engine more often than at his house door


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and it's only like .27 cents for a gallon of regular in saudi arabia :lol:


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The reason prices go up on everything is not cause it costs more to make it, its cause it costa more to ship it. Think about it.
and why does it cost more to ship it? because gas prices are so high. Think about it.


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who cares, the US still has some of the cheapest gas in the world

i paid 3.98 for premium today, gas prices arent going to stop me from enjoying my car...
s**t, i cant even get regular for $3.98 lol


I had a Civic once.
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When I first got my car gas was 2.68 or some bs like that. Now... wow

Filled up today, $3.77 / gallon.


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f**k you. :lol:

i just paid $3.99/gal here, took over $40 to fill up my CIVIC!!! this shits killing me.
and that's the CHEAPEST! most of the gas stations around here are over 4 now. FTMFL!


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Couple that with the fact that China is quickly becoming a mobilized country and needing more oil and gasoline to fuel their cars means that world demand for oil has increased while OPEC has not increased production.

Same supply but more demand means higher prices.
f**king chinese.. I knew they werent good for anything.

I fill up my EK with $42. OH s**t!


Did sum1 say mud??
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:( I remember when gas was $.98. :cry: Where have those days gone? :lol:
I read 1998 was the last time gas was under a $1 in this country. And in December of 1999 gas was at its highest for the decade at $1.34. I wish gas was cheap.

Imo its a combination of things. The weakened dollar, the president, opec, and oil companies. Course we could all move to Mexico where gas is cheaper!


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hence why we should take over the country the american way. with overwhelming force. then we would control gas :cool:
Damn f**kin straight we should. Tear that s**t up.....................
............Of course to have the manpower to use overwhelming force, we would need a draft.............
...........And Im 18, out of high school, and in academic probation in college:shock::shock:


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f**k the oil companies its all a big scam gas in wisconsin is f**kin 4.05
dammit, moving there next week

to the guy in fresno, go to costco at the corner of herndon and 41 ... gas was 3.83 on sunday
