Gas Prices...


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Seriously though, like when theyre turning left on the opposite side of an intersection and Im turning right. I swear one of these times Im just going to keep driving, if they hit me then itll be their fault. Then maybe I'll fake a neck injury......Kswap here I come :cool:.
What if you die?....................................

x3 on the SUV's thinking they are the s**t........................cuz they're not
Although I do agree with what 253eg posted. Other countries pay way more then what we do, and they make a lot less then what we make. We also spend lot's of money on things that we don't have to get, but we still do. Morning starbucks, fast food places in our lunch from work, etc.
Just last week, $3.91a gallon, filled up my tank with $41 or so.
But, also last week, Monday-Friday.........
Morning= Starbuck $26
Lunch= McDonalds, Jack, Carl's, Panda, Subway, etc. $35

Last week $61 on junk and $41 on gas that I do need. Maybe I can restrict myself on not be spending to much money on little things like that.

Mr. Jollypants

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I like how everyone blames the President for EVERYTHING...

Why does no one point their finger at Congress? Bush can make a bill, but it has to be pssed by Congress.. I'm not standing up for the president, I'm just saying, you can't blame everything on the President..

He went to Saudi Arabia to ask for more production, they turned us down.

He's stopped the Governments oil reserve from purchasing 17,000 barrels of fuel a DAY..
Edit: Revised, it's upto 68,000 barrels a day.

He's proposed drilled in Alaska, but congress shoots it down.
He's proposed to use more nuclear energy, congress shut that down as well.
He's proposed to stop the government taxes on regular and diesel fuel for the summer. That's 19 cents off regular fuel, and 25 cents off diesel, guess who shot that down as well?

It may sound like I am defending him, I'm just stating, there's more than just the President to point the finger at.


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:word: no regrets.i think its the oil companies and the people who own those companies.


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It's just easier to blame Bush...........................for that, and everything else.
But you're right no regrets


OG スバリスト
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this has nothing to do with bush. congress needs to work their s**t out, STAT! this is the result of a capitalist economy and congress not allowing big oil to build refineries in the US, as well as the massive exports of oil overseas. all this finger wagging and droning monologuing going on at capitol hill seems and feels like a ridiculous charade. we need action.... but then again, do you know any congressmen or senators that do not have investments in big oil?

i filled up with sunoco 94oc the other night @ $4.299/gal... it's f'n ridiculous


Did sum1 say mud??
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It finally hit $4 here. I seen anything from $3.89 to $4 depending on the part of the city your in.


Most hated man
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4.30 for 87

4.40-4.60 for 91

disel 2 is already over 5.20 almost everywhere here i think.

stupid as helll..


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crazy crazy s**t. its sad that my gas bills are more than my insurance payments


It be me, Sammo
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Fuel here are average of 4bucks now.

Regular is about 4.15
Premium is about 4.35 last I checked.

But COSTCO FTW! Premium is 4.11
But as long grain stated early in the tread. I wouldnt let gas prices take away the joy of me driving my car BUT I still find it crazy to fill up my dinky ass sohc for 40bucks each fill up.


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hmm, i have to go get gas today, i'm hoping premium is still under $4

not really so that its cheaper, but just so that it pisses everyone who's paying $4 for regular off..


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^^^damn ninja!, you gota bring me some of that. i payed 4.20 the other day for premium


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Oh thats so sad. i just filled up at 3.91 a gallon in buffalo, ny. I guess it would hurt my feelings alot since it took 37$ 2 weeks ago and 41$ this week to fill up... only bad part is bank of america hasnt charged me for any fillups for past month. WOOT FOR A GLITCH or a huge mistake...


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BUT I still find it crazy to fill up my dinky ass sohc for 40bucks each fill up.
I agree, but the flip side is remember that $40 to fill up your tank is hella cheap right now. I remember when I started driving that I could fill up my tank for about $20 even, and I knew a kid who took $70 to fill up the tank in his truck.....imagine what the f**k hes paying now:lol:. Even if other countries arent paying more, as far as living in America goes youre saving a lot of money on gas right now, be thankful.


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I read 1998 was the last time gas was under a $1 in this country. And in December of 1999 gas was at its highest for the decade at $1.34. I wish gas was cheap.

Imo its a combination of things. The weakened dollar, the president, opec, and oil companies. Course we could all move to Mexico where gas is cheaper!
Then you can only buy Pemex gas. It's poor quality when you can get it at all.

Genuine Rolla

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its $4.15 in town...really sucks..


No fun unless ur Dragging
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3.99 here.

my neighbor just traded in his firebird for a 07 cbr 600 with only 6 miles on it.
