Gas Prices...


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I just paid $4.01 for gas here yesterday.


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Woot.. 4.01 With Carwash. :D


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The Reason that the government doesnt step in and do some is because of congress... when congress go up for re-election who helps them out in their campainging? Oil Compinies and by doing that they expect for congress to help the oil industry out and not to intervene with the rising cost of oil barrels and s**t... like i scratch your back and you scratch mine...

and here in houston it like 3.79 for cheap s**t middles is like 3.89 and supireme is like 4.02-4.30


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87 is still 3.74 in DFW

it was .25 higher in OH and PA


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i saw 4.60 yesterday by Midway Airport.


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Cost me $42 to fill up 11 gallons last night....


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Cost me $42 to fill up 11 gallons last night....


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Cost me $42 to fill up 11 gallons last night....


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triple post! i think 89 is up to 3 90 or so around here, but im sure it will be up near 4 by the end of next weej


D-Series Master
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I found a place where I can get all three grades (87, 89, and 91) for $3.99/gal. :D Im filling up with 91, just b/c its cheaper than 87 everywhere else. :D


Hard Core
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I found a place where I can get all three grades (87, 89, and 91) for $3.99/gal. :D Im filling up with 91, just b/c its cheaper than 87 everywhere else. :D
good find. theres a couple stations in my town that run 87 and 89 for the same price. not 91 tho

got traction

i rock the sohc
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filled up the truck yesterday. 21 gallons...91 bucks

slowcivic E G

bla bla bla
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Payed 4.15 for shell V Power today. 93 octane. It really doesn't bother me, I just put gas in my car, and don't think about it anymore. I hardly see my account balance so out of sight out of mind.


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Yeah the shitz crazy! even on base in SD where I'm stationed its 3.84 and that gas is so shitty. like previous posts say. gas is on the rise because of the war. flat out... I'm in Iraq right now and you know how much they pay for gas a gallon over here. the highest is like 40 cents! now sit on that for awhile and figure out why its so high...


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Sorry about the triple post, my computer was a little f**ked up this morning.


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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it sucks so much that im thinking of buying a bike.
Money you spend on a bike > Extra you spend in gas with the higher prices.

Say you spend 3 grand on a bike. It will take you a long ass time to save enough on gas to make up for that purchase.
