Gas Prices...


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truckers need to strike. . do some thing about it. 40$ to fill up a civic Economy car WTF i jst came back from ecuador, the gas was 1.50 reg and 1.03 Dis. over 25% of my checks go to gas if i dont drive i dont wrk .. i dont wrk .. i dont eat .. i dont eat... i die .. and even then i still need gas money .. i would like to see the presidential canditates on a debate about OIL
Over here in NY they are. Almost $6/gallon for diesel


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it went up 2 cents from last night (the national average)


I'm NOT eran!
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When I gassed up the other day I got regular for $4.169.

I certainly don't feel bad about my gas consumption. It looks like I'll be running around 8,000 miles this year total, and I'll be averaging at least 32mpg.

I read recently that the average US vehicle gets 24.7 mpg and the average mileage per year is supposed to be somethign like 10,000-15,000 miles. So that's about 404-607 gallons per year per average vehicle. I'll be using closer to 250 gallons.

I know a lot of people advise that you carpool or ride the bus or a bike, but it's too far to bike to work (besides my insane coworker who does just that - two hours either way on bike) and there's no bus out here. As far as carpooling, I do when I can, but my normal routine doesn't allow it.

A thread I found on another site too:

And a few other sites. Not sure if they were mentioned yet.
EPA Standards


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^I'm scared. Last week I paid $4.70 for 91......I don't want to go to the pump :(


When Honda's Attack!
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I paid 4.21 yesterday morning for premium.... I drive 120 miles a day for my daily commute... bought my Si one year ago, and I have 41,048 miles on the clock.
6 months ago, driving to and from work costed me about $14 a day.... today it's over $17.50 a day.


Old School'er
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man i feel bad for you westcoast guys and part of the central. gas here dropped actually, regular was like 3.85 but dropped for a weekend or more to 3.79 and even 3.75 but now I think its back to up 3.83


I'm NOT eran!
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Submitter Kristin sends us this crazy photo taken at a Death Valley gas station. Sends an involuntary shudder down your spine, no? "Mark Pozorski shot this pic two weeks ago in Death Valley; his record gas purchase. Most Motorcycles require Premium. It went up to $5.90/gal. last week," Kristin explains.

Over at CNN's iReport, they have a photo from what appears to be the same Shell station with a slightly different price, apparently taken a week ago, but price is still well above $5 per gallon.

Imagine -- just days ago our pal Peter Viles over at L.A. Land (the Times' real estate blog) showed us high prices in Brentwood. And now this?

You can check out other readers' photos of the rising cost of gas here.

These are the worst gas prices we've seen yet -- but you tell us. Have you seen (gulp) worse? Send us a photo (just choose the "Your News" category and the "Pain at the Pump" album).

"Manson Would've Hated This Too" from the album Pain at the Pump, submitted by Kristin

--Lindsay Barnett


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I had to work out of town last week.

Filled up before I left.

Set the cruise control for 72 mph. Fought a 25+ mph crosswind both ways. Ran the air conditioner. (It was 98 degrees and about 50% humidity)

Round trip? 150.3 miles
Refill tank? 5.02 gallons
29.94 mpg

f**k you EPA with your 26mpg Hwy
f**k YOU CONSUMER REPORTS!!!! for only getting 23 mpg Hwy.


OG スバリスト
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today's prices @ the sunoco here in south bend, in

87: $3.98/gal
89: $4.08/gal
91: $4.18/gal
94: $4.28/gal


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amazing. I want to buy a shitty honda and do this.


OG スバリスト
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amazing. I want to buy a shitty honda and do this.
i've been wanting to turn the ej8 into an alternative fuel experiment... but that's just out of my budget right now


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i've been wanting to turn the ej8 into an alternative fuel experiment... but that's just out of my budget right now
imagine a boosted crx running on water :shock:

but managing the fuel would be difficult I would think.
