I guess from this post I'm considered a "retard" lol I'm sure a lot of you have seen me in the off topic section arguing with those two for the past two nights. It got way outta hand on MY part and the "trolls/noobs" part.I perma banned a troll today
the only thing is that who you may consider a troll is considered by others just to be a noob. Noobs come on and make stupid threads all the time. The problem lays with regular members going onto their thread and insulting the noob because it's to hard for retards to ignore other retards. Sometimes the noob will bight back with insults but WTF do you expect when he's being e-attacked by a bunch of you f**kers. Then you label him a troll and want him banned.
Now, if staff starts to crack down on these noobs you want to label troll then we have to crack dow on the members who are the ones starting the s**t. With that comes you guys crying bloody ass rape because we are giving you infractions and banning. Then we'll be labeled "nazi mods" just the same way you girls are labling noobs "trolls".
get it?
I think that would be an effective and excellent way to eliminate this "troll" problem, and also hopefully most of the spam problems CC has.i suggested once, and i stand by this idea, when i member joins this site, their first 10 or so post should be approved by mods before it can be officially posted for others to read, i have seen this on many other site, and i think it works effectively enough to have us ban spammers before anyone can see their post.
Is there anyway they can go through a cross checking process where it checks their IP address to ensure they don't make more then one account?actually we have seen some spammer who registered like a month or 2 ago come back and post, they're not caught when they first join cause they don't post, so know one knows they exist till they do like a month or more later, then sure they get banned, so i'm not positive that a time frame would work as well as a post approval would, but you never know.