is this for real?! ppl seriously believe this?

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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How can i be wrong? SOMETHING has to have created us whether or not it refers to itself as god I'm unsure. All I'm saying is that just because science cannot prove something that doesn't decide whether or not it has credibility. What about the fact that the universe has no end? Science has no explanation for that yet we know it's true. There are simply things humans cannot understand and never will.
Well the fact that the farthest Star from us is 25 billion light years away, kind of says something.


OG スバリスト
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How can i be wrong? SOMETHING has to have created us whether or not it refers to itself as god I'm unsure. All I'm saying is that just because science cannot prove something that doesn't decide whether or not it has credibility. What about the fact that the universe has no end? Science has no explanation for that yet we know it's true. There are simply things humans cannot understand and never will.
what about entropy?

$lick Rick

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no you mongoloid looking motherfucker!..... You know, how does science explain life after death? I know how to look s**t up you sarcastic f**k, I just want to hear it from a dumbass. :lol:
Science explains life after death in much the same way it explains flying unicorns with air conditioning.... neither exist


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Science explains life after death in much the same way it explains flying unicorns with air conditioning.... neither exist
who are you to say that neither exist? you have lived on ONE plantet in ONE galaxy for a period of time less than a century, and you somehow think you are an authority on what is real and what isnt?

im not saying you have to believe in god but i am saying you cant believe in 'science', which is simply a group of naive assumptions created by man


Your mom has vtec
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Whos to say where we come from or who created what, ehy devote your life worshiping someone who you have blind faith for, and why sit here and argue that we came from evolution? either way its stupid, Personally i believe more in the science aspect, and i am not at all religious. BUT there is the question that something came from something, and that something had to have come from something, that came from something, it would go on forever and ever. So its dumb to even bring that up. Just live your life, enjoy it, die happy, and deal with the fact that you will NEVER KNOW whathappends after death. you will only believe what you decide to listen to.

$lick Rick

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who are you to say that neither exist? you have lived on ONE plantet in ONE galaxy for a period of time less than a century, and you somehow think you are an authority on what is real and what isnt?

im not saying you have to believe in god but i am saying you cant believe in 'science', which is simply a group of naive assumptions created by man
all beliefs are a bunch of naive assumptions by man
god is just another imaginary character made up by feeble human minds to explain the unexplainable.

Belief in god is the ultimate in naivete. It's the alpha and omega. "Dont bother looking for answers, research is the tool of the devil, you've already found the answer, the answer is god"
It's your 3 letter answer to everything... unfortunately, at best, if there is a god... he's a sadistic and narcissistic a*****e.


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Where the f**k is Bill & Ted at??? or even Marty McFly and Doc Brown

tell us what came first and who confused all of us...PLEASE!!!


OG スバリスト
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marty mcfly came before bill and ted, of course.


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I don't beleive in god, I beleive we as humans need a structure (bible) to live by, or else we will feel useless. Acient civilizations created gods to represent what they couldnt explain. We as a modern people, do the same thing. Alot of theories point to quantom physics to explain what we can't (miracles). Recent studies have shown when atoms arn't being observed act differently then when being observed. It's crazy to think atoms (being the tiniest known objects), only consisting of 3 parts, can act on their own.


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who are you to say that neither exist? you have lived on ONE plantet in ONE galaxy for a period of time less than a century, and you somehow think you are an authority on what is real and what isnt?

im not saying you have to believe in god but i am saying you cant believe in 'science', which is simply a group of naive assumptions created by man
true, we have no authority to decide on either one of those^^ its just mind boggling.


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all beliefs are a bunch of naive assumptions by man
god is just another imaginary character made up by feeble human minds to explain the unexplainable.

Belief in god is the ultimate in naivete. It's the alpha and omega. "Dont bother looking for answers, research is the tool of the devil, you've already found the answer, the answer is god"
It's your 3 letter answer to everything... unfortunately, at best, if there is a god... he's a sadistic and narcissistic a*****e.

when i say God, your assuming im speaking of a specific god, such as the one that the Bible speaks of walking the earth 2000 years ago. however, im using the term god to describe WHATEVER made us. SOMETHING has to have made us. if you dont believe in any of the known religions, thats fine but you still have to believe in something that created the universe, and thats what im talking about when i say god

$lick Rick

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when i say God, your assuming im speaking of a specific god, such as the one that the Bible speaks of walking the earth 2000 years ago. however, im using the term god to describe WHATEVER made us. SOMETHING has to have made us. if you dont believe in any of the known religions, thats fine but you still have to believe in something that created the universe, and thats what im talking about when i say god
I mean god, gods, flying spaghetti monster, super evolved monkey jesus...... whatever imaginary character or characters a person wants to believe created and controls everything

you can believe in whatever you want, but nothing "has to exist" nothing "has to have made us"
some people just HAVE to have an explanation no matter what.... even if they have to make something up.... and from that innate human desire, we have concocted the idea of a "supreme being"
