JDM static reducer? wtf

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And going all the way back to where this thread started.

Yes, its just a dumb "jdm" name tag to make it sell...

just like your lip :lol:
and your fog lights and shocker sticker ;)


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and your fog lights and shocker sticker ;)
ehh, the shocker sticker was given to me from my ex-girlfriends dad

and im proud that i've only gone egay with my fog lights, especially since im on my 5th set (which also have a shattered lense, again). In other words, f**k paying $300+ for a set of stanley fog lights.


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ehh, the shocker sticker was given to me from my ex-girlfriends dad

and im proud that i've only gone egay with my fog lights, especially since im on my 5th set (which also have a shattered lense, again). In other words, f**k paying $300+ for a set of stanley fog lights.
Hey hey don't hate on fogs. I paid $137 shipped for my Honda OEM ones :lol:.


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Hey hey don't hate on fogs. I paid $137 shipped for my Honda OEM ones :lol:.
lol link me!

I know the "JDM Stanely yellow tinted" go for like $300+

I havent found a set of OEM clears for any cheaper than $200


i blow tires away!!
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im bored!!

Sooo while we are on the topic of "things to buy for No aparent reason"..

any of you guys own a set of these ?



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I have the Golden Eagle tow hook. I like the Benen one the best but I got a decent price on the Golden Eagle one so I went for it. Didn't like it at first but it grew on me so I still rock it. My car isn't really all that low to serve a function / purpose but I like how it looks :what:.


i blow tires away!!
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I have the Golden Eagle tow hook. I like the Benen one the best but I got a decent price on the Golden Eagle one so I went for it. Didn't like it at first but it grew on me so I still rock it. My car isn't really all that low to serve a function / purpose but I like how it looks :what:.
hummm, But what do u use it for exactly?

and u mention "low enough to serve a function".. what function might that be ?


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I don't use it at all. I got it for mad rice bling :lol:.

And well it's said that if your car is too / incredibly low, aftermarket tow hooks come in handy when trying to tow the car if you ever got stuck on the track. Also come in handy when you have the car on a trailer, you can use them to strap the car down.


i blow tires away!!
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I don't use it at all. I got it for mad rice bling :lol:.

And well it's said that if your car is too / incredibly low, aftermarket tow hooks come in handy when trying to tow the car if you ever got stuck on the track. Also come in handy when you have the car on a trailer, you can use them to strap the car down.
that Mad Phat Sick Yo!!

lol, im busting ya balls (no homo)

but im just making a point, a lot of things on modded cars now a days are useless!! (done purely for looks)<~~ which is Ok!!

but u are right , the tow hooks are ment to replace the stock ones ( put them in a EZ to reach location) for FAST towing , for example if u brake at the track. Or if u run a car that need to be OFF(closed decked motor/Alchol cars) untill u get to the burnout box.. u get Towed by a skooter,raindeer, a dude on rollerblades whatever!


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i had thought about getting a set benens but i just dunno how the one the front looks, i think the rear looks cool , i just cant decide about the front one just yet, im kinda in between on that one, plus i dunno where im gonna be where that tow hook would even be handy, its a honda and it rarely breaks down


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I got some JDM curb feelers too. Hot pink plastic JDM Rally double wipers, reflective JDM door edge guards....All kinds of left over '80s part's store crap that we can finally sell again by attaching the letters J-D-M.

if only greddy had thought of that! LOL


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tow hooks....i just stuck mine through my hood for the hell of it

looks like my car has an eyebrow ring :rolf:

MaD TiZiZiTe J-PaNaGe

if only greddy had thought of that! LOL

if greddy had a line of Static reducers/curb feelers/hooks/J-Pan stickers/super wipers, they'd still be in business


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I paid $200 for defi gauges that have basically no other functionality than for my viewing pleasure.


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why is there so much hate directed at me? is it cause im new? heh you silly f**ks need a life, i asked one question about a part i seen and it turns into a, i hate your angle, i hate your mirrors, we all live in differnt parts of the US, people do differnt things, i hate half the s**t yall do to yalls cars, there to plain and boring -shrug- but i guess when you stick a i<3jdm sticker on there it gets you mad jdm points in your click, face the facts if all cars looked the same what fun would that be?, get the f**k over it, and move along, stop being complaining lil bitchs
Taste is a whole different story, no one said that your parts whack. All I commented on is how you are kinda contradicting yourself by making fun of people who buy parts over the others because they are labeled "JDM", which pertains to them thinking their car (is "JDM" and) is better because of said "JDM" parts.


I'm NOT eran!
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i remember Eran was rockin the static reducer for a while, he said it did prevent him from getting shocked everytime he got out of his car....

i got shocked so many times i developed a nervous tick :lol:
Yeah, he had one but either the reflector fell off or was stolen. Then he didn't want it since it looked broken.

It worked, but you can also ground yourself by touching the metal of the car when you're getting out instead.

Oh, and it's a thick strip of rubber with two metal wires in the length of it. You have to connect a wire at the top to a metal part of your car so it grounds all the time. I've seen other modern cars with these, but they're usually without the reflector and under the car so they're more difficult to see.

As far as the guy posting the tow hooks... I've had my car over five years. Never in that time has it been towed. So sure, I could say I'd use it if I needed to, but the chance is low I'd ever need it.

As for the guy talking about an "eyebrow ring" tow hook, they actually have body jewelry for cars too.

I'll keep thinking some parts are ugly or stupid, but it's silly to go around making threads about how much they suck.


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Tow hooks are silly and the latest trend in modifying Civics.

Anyone know if the tweeters will fit in the mirror handle spot? I want some EX tweeters, but not on the door.
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