New honda owner.


Registered VIP
Do you have any buddies with an obd1 honda that will let you try their ecu? The fact you have multiple clips unplugged and no cel is concerning.

Sent from my boujea ass phone


New Member
Do you have any buddies with an obd1 honda that will let you try their ecu? The fact you have multiple clips unplugged and no cel is concerning.

Sent from my boujea ass phone
no i dont know anyone with a honda :/
Uploading vid to youtube now. This is getting frustrating seems every day a new problem comes about lol. At this point iv decided to keep this car no matter what it takes.


New Member
Ok so the car is a 96 civic. With what i was told a 2000 acura ls engine. Iv been told here my ecu is obd1. What engine harness am i supposed to have? Should it have ever been spliced into? the more i look the more splicing i see done. So far the only sensor with zero power is the iat.. Iat also is spliced with a single wire seems it would take 2?


New Member
the way it surges is identical to as if u pull the vaccum line off the brake booster. but the booster is holding vaccum..


New Member
Do you think sourcing a engine harness and ECU would be solve it? I wouldnt mind if so..


Registered VIP
Harness yes ecu no.. now we have codes to go off were gettin somewhere..
3 map sensor
6 coolant temp
7 throttle angle
10 intake air sensor
14 electronuc air control
That sums up what we were thinking all along. Look at the dizzy plug is it 1 plug or 2? If you have a boneyard close where you can get a harness that would prob be easier then unmuffin what you have goin on there.

Sent from my boujea ass phone


New Member
Harness yes ecu no.. now we have codes to go off were gettin somewhere..
3 map sensor
6 coolant temp
7 throttle angle
10 intake air sensor
14 electronuc air control
That sums up what we were thinking all along. Look at the dizzy plug is it 1 plug or 2? If you have a boneyard close where you can get a harness that would prob be easier then unmuffin what you have goin on there.

Sent from my boujea ass phone
I will be sourcing a harness. Now what EXACTLY do i need? what year what trim etc?


Registered VIP
Speedo is a plug on top of trans under the intake tube near the firewall. If you have a 1plug dist then you need an obd2 engine harness from your model, yr car it can be a single cam it makes no diff so it should be easy to source. When you remove it use a sharpie and lable every plug you remove and or take pics to help with the install. Bet 95% of the troubles go away.

Sent from my boujea ass phone


New Member
Speedo is a plug on top of trans under the intake tube near the firewall. If you have a 1plug dist then you need an obd2 engine harness from your model, yr car it can be a single cam it makes no diff so it should be easy to source. When you remove it use a sharpie and lable every plug you remove and or take pics to help with the install. Bet 95% of the troubles go away.

Sent from my boujea ass phone
See thats what i dont understand car is a 1996 which is obd2. Original owner swears the engine was a 2000 acura LS engine (wouldnt that be obd2?). I believe you stated on her previously my ECU is a obd1?


New Member
also what ur saying is it can be a vtec harness or none vtech harness? Would it be easier to get a vtec harness now incase i ever decided to put a vtec 1.8 in?
My car it self is a 96 DX coupe according to vin decoders and pink etc.


New Member
If i get a harness from the exact car as mine would i be doing any splicing or modifications to it?


Registered VIP
It can be either vtec or not, if you get a vtec harness there will be 2 plugs not used no big deal. Your harness is obd2 looking at the dist single plug. Your motor IS an obd1 maybe even an obd0 integra if you look at the block code it will say B18A. You can take any obd0, obd1, obd2 motor and make it what you want just need to change the dist, and injectors the motor dont care what its put into. Those taped wires you show first are to power the msd coil. If you can get the dist from the motor you get the harness from try to if cheap enough. Your car IS obd2 thats why to run the obd1 p75 ecu you have the obd2 to obd1 adapter.

Sent from my boujea ass phone


New Member

Give this a good read theres a part midway down says obd2 using p75

Sent from my boujea ass phone
that page is absolutely amazing it is definitely definitely gonna help. Just to verify this is the section for the engine car and ecu i have correct?

B18A/B using OBD1 P75

DX/LX/CX - D16Y7
Mostly plug and play. The idle air control valve will need to be wired from 3 wire to 2 wire (Figure 6 for OBD2A, Figure 7 for OBD2B). The secondary O2 sensor wiring will have to be lengthened by using an O2 adapter if you are using an EX style catalytic converter.
The intake air temperature sensor will have to be relocated in the intake arm somewhere (see figure 8). The CKF, EVAP purge, EGR and secondary 02 will be eliminated. Use an OBD2 B18B distributor for plug and play or use an OBD2A to OBD1 distributor adapter. For 99-00 Civic and OBD2B to OBD1 distributor adapter with either an OBD1 or OBD2 B18A/B distributor. Use the injectors from the B18A/B and remove the injector "clips" for plug and play (Figure 10). Use an OBD2 B series alternator for plug and play or an OBD2-1 alternator adapter.


New Member
or is it this one

B18B/B20B/Z(OBD2) using P75 ECU

EX/SI/VX/DX/CX - D16Z6/D15Z1/D15B7/D15B8
Mostly plug and play. For the distributor you will need to use an OBD1 B18 for plug and play or use an OBD2 LS dizzy with an adapter harness. Alternator will need to be OBD1 B series for plug and play. For EX/SI/DX you can reuse the EX/SI/DX injectors, for VX/CX find some EX/DX/SI injectors for plug and play. CKF sensor by crank will not be used. For 1 wire O2 CX models figure 1 instructions for conversion to 4 wire O2. For VX 7 wire O2 use above instruction to wire up for 4 wire (diagram here
