Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Officially made lvl 60 last night. Averaging 2 lvls a night. Total play time so far: 3 days 6 hours.


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^^Nah, see that's the problem. You only need to undercut by one copper Everybody who's undercutting for more than that is wasting time and driving the price of the product down. If 10 people undercut by 10G, you've lost 100G profit from the original price.
My problem is, I don't have the patience to play the undercut game. I always want fast gold. Unless it's something worth investing into (like a vial of sands mount of VP bracers...something that sells for THOUSANDS), I won't waste my time with small increments like that. I undercut by a bunch of gold, sell, win.

If you think I'm bad, you should see some of the motherfuckers that undercut on my server... A stack of twilight jasmine will get posted for 300g when there is NONE on the market. The next stack is 120g. What the f**k???? Are you for real??? You couldn't at least undercut LESS than 100g??? Dumbasses....


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^^Yea, but you don't sell it any faster because you undercut it for more. You'll still sell at the same time as you would have before - when somebody needs the item your selling. No matter what, they'll go for the lowest bidder.. it doesn't matter how low your price is, as long as it's the lowest.

Jolly - Sweet. You'll be up to 85 in no time!

I'm at 1995 RBG rating now. SO close to 2k... now I just need to get to 2.2k and life will be good (but then I'll want 2.4k...)


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True that. But I quit last night. Donated 32k gold to the gbank of the guild I was in, uninstalled, and unsubscribed. I need to get away from this game... Finally had the balls to do it. I would've raffled ALL my s**t away but that would've required me to play more and I most likely would've changed my mind.


Failboat sails at 9
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Officially made lvl 60 last night. Averaging 2 lvls a night. Total play time so far: 3 days 6 hours.
Just wait. It gets worse. Blizz tuned down the lvl requirements from 60-70 in WoTLK so 60-70 should go pretty quickly. 70-80 will be headbangingly fun. And then 80-85 will take as long as it did for you to get from 60-80 together.

Have fun ^_^

OH! When you hit 80, skip the zone vashjir at first and do all the quests in Hyjal instead. You'll need those quests to be attuned to the firelands.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Just wait. It gets worse. Blizz tuned down the lvl requirements from 60-70 in WoTLK so 60-70 should go pretty quickly. 70-80 will be headbangingly fun. And then 80-85 will take as long as it did for you to get from 60-80 together.

Have fun ^_^

OH! When you hit 80, skip the zone vashjir at first and do all the quests in Hyjal instead. You'll need those quests to be attuned to the firelands.
I stopped doing quests and only do dungeon finder :lol:

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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True that. But I quit last night. Donated 32k gold to the gbank of the guild I was in, uninstalled, and unsubscribed. I need to get away from this game... Finally had the balls to do it. I would've raffled ALL my s*** away but that would've required me to play more and I most likely would've changed my mind.
I would've taken the stuff :lol:


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Just healed OS3D for the first time.

Anybody here heal raids as disc priest? Looking for some advice.


Twin Turbo
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I cancelled my subsciption over 2 months ago, but I recently got "curious" and hopped on my account to find that Blizzard offered me 7 free days of play time! So I'm using that up, doubt I will resubscibe though. Nice try Blizz..


New Member
ive been hooked since original wow. hit my 7th 85 the other night. going to throw up my acct for sale here pretty soon. getting tired of the same old boring s**t this game promotes as "new content" . same s**t, different colors .


Failboat sails at 9
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Just healed OS3D for the first time.

Anybody here heal raids as disc priest? Looking for some advice.
I haven't disc'd since WoTLK so bear with me here...

You want to start with shields. Bubble everyone. Then hit with heal x2 to lower weakened soul to 7sec cooldown. Then shield refresh. Prayer of mending in between, throw in penance/Gheals as needed. It takes a keen eye to raid heal as disc anymore but it can be done by some of the best. I highly recommend for reading. EJ is amazing in general, but yeah, check that out. =)


All Day, All JDM
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my main is a priest, but im holy spec. I like the challenge of healing in holy.
Oem - Shandris


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EJ is a great site to get info from.

I love healing with my resto druid. After I finally got geared (above a 350 ilvl), before Firelands, healing was so easy. Especially if the tank is geared. Just stack 3 lifeblooms and cast nourish occasionally or throw on rejuv and use swiftmend on top of wild growth. I rarely used healing touch.

Man I already miss WoW... :(. But it's for the better.


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Thanks for the advice, Ks!


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I heard talk of this free 7 days of gameplay courtesy of Blizz....I got on and yippeee they gave me a free week too. Hopefully I keep playing :???:


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Man... I want to play... Instead I picked up reading. If you knew me, you would think that's the last thing on earth I would ever do...


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and how is reading a hobby that's better for you than WoW?
-Less social
-Less mentally stimulating
-Less fun
-At LEAST equal cost, If you read as much as you played WoW, will be more expensive


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lol. Stop trying to get me to justify playing WoW!!!! Video games are too addicting for me. I need to stop. I'm not productive at all. I used to be less social playing video games back in college. I refused to go out when my roommate asked me. I wouldn't leave my room unless I had to piss, s***, or eat. I have no self control when it comes to video games. I get sucked in, lose all sense of reality, and play for HOURS.

It would be different if I could control how much I played. But I can't.


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Just a little bit of WoW will make ya feel better..
