Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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:/ i think my account just got hacked.. its been hacked once b4, i was 2 bars from hit 80 on my lock, had planned to be making him my 6th 85 this weekend cause i have it off...and now looks like i get to waste it waiting for my account recovery..maybe it'll be nice so i can install my mudguards and do my DIY defusor+relocator on my civic..but ive kinda lost interest latley since some1 backed into it at work, my trunk is toast, im just glad it opens and doesn't leak..hit n runs suck. this week is lame, only thing that hasn't happened yet is my car being stolen..


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Buy an authenticator. It should be less than $10, unless they raised the price. It's the best security for your account.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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I have an authenticator, my account was hacked 9 months ago, got 1 then. but now i cant log in, i got kicked mid BG and now it says my information is incorrect when i try to log in, so i emailed blizz account management.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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sooo im getting bored lol i now have 5x lvl 85s all pvp geared and heroic geared..i almost considered selling my account, but it has so much rare s**t on it lol..


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Heroic gear as in 346 gear? 346 is for losers. Get 359 :lol:.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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i have all the rep 359 gear, but 2 of my toons are in almost 100% viscous gear, i beet swifty and mercader in arenas too lol. i was excited cause they are sponsored and ive watched their vids b4.


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Have been hitting RBGs hard lately. My rating is up to 1922, ranked 80 something on my server at the moment and am moving up fast. My guild is awesome, so we're kicking ass in pretty much every game we play. We may even have a shot at the top .5% at the end of the season. I'm just hoping to hit 2200 so I can get the cool looking gear. lol


Failboat sails at 9
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I accidentally just got my 3rd toon to 85. After getting 2 there when the expansion first hit I quit the game until blizz could organize their s**t a little better and until my friends go back to playing it too. I got back in like 3 weeks ago, start on my like lvl 61 druid and went from 61 --> 85 in a handful of days. It's fun playing a bear tank but I'm excited to start pvp'ing. =)


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I've been itching to play WoW so bad but every time I renew my subscription I get bored and then I feel like I wasted 15 bucks. Hopefully after this years Blizzcon I will be more amped to play it.


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I still play. Not a lot but a decent amount since I don't do anything else :lol:. I don't raid. All I do is farm gold. But I still play for the gear and such as I farm valor points and what not.

85 pally - 353 holy spec, 355(?) prot
85 druid - 356 resto
85 warlock - 357 destruction

I've got an 85 dk with greens and junk that I haven't touched in weeks since I hit 85. I've got a 83 shaman I want to work on as well for pvp.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I still play. Not a lot but a decent amount since I don't do anything else :lol:. I don't raid. All I do is farm gold. But I still play for the gear and such as I farm valor points and what not.

85 pally - 353 holy spec, 355(?) prot
85 druid - 356 resto
85 warlock - 357 destruction

I've got an 85 dk with greens and junk that I haven't touched in weeks since I hit 85. I've got a 83 shaman I want to work on as well for pvp.
Send me some gold! :lol:


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John - PvP gets really fun when you find a group to run RBGs with. If you're into following strategies in very tactical games, you'll love it.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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What's everyones avg gold a day? Mine was 60 :/


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I think I'm at 150. I play very sporadically though. And for the most part, I only do big sales besides herbs and stuff.

Last week I made a vial of sands mount and sold it for 6k profit in just a couple of hours. Then I bought 2 valor point bracers and resold them for another 6k profit. 1 bracer sold quickly while the other bracer sat over night in the auction house and sold while I was at work the next day. Gotta keep an eye on the market constantly. I am looking up items I farm every day, multiple times a day. And if I see something worth buying in trade, I lowball like crazy and hope they accept. That's how I ended up with VP bracers. I didn't expect them to accept but for some reason they did.


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Psh, I was making 500 G a day recently through enchanting, but then some newbs WAY undercut in the AH and now I make trash.


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I don't have the patience to sit in trade all day unless I'm trying to sell something. Like I said, I usually do big transactions. I don't have the patience to do small trades where I get 10g tips here, 50g tips there, etc. I'll sell stuff for 5k+ profit. On weekends is where I spend the most time farming herbs/ore since I have a lot of time to collect a s*** ton and sell it all for a couple thousand.

And that's the big problem with the AH. Goddamn people who undercut like a motherfucker. If I see something worth selling, I'll usually drop my buyout price about 5-10g below the lowest price. I remember when cata first started... The second I hit 85, I started farming twilight jasmine. That s**t sold for 300g+ a stack back then. I made 17k in one night and 45k followed shortly after.


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^^Nah, see that's the problem. You only need to undercut by one copper Everybody who's undercutting for more than that is wasting time and driving the price of the product down. If 10 people undercut by 10G, you've lost 100G profit from the original price.
