Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


Twin Turbo
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I got my druid to 85 the same week(Sunday) that the game came out. I'm working on my warrior now. I did a race change from human to worgen on him and he is halfway to 85.


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Working on my druid now. Somewhere around 50% to 83. This is so easy. I'll probably end up doing my shaman this week too since I get the entire week off from work (going in for a couple half days).


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^^Damn you. I have yet to get a cool drake. I'm still rocking the red one.

I've just been grinding out honor and heroics, trying to gear up while slowly getting my JC to 525.


Failboat sails at 9
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I still love just cruising around on my rocket, as there are just about as many of them as there are the crazy new drakes. Once I get my druid up to 85, I'll be tanking hella instances to gear him, he is only 62 right now. I got my gear up to about a 343 average on my spriest and decided since he is ready for raiding I should have a back up character that isn't my lock.


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I don't really care about gear. I don't want to raid. I don't want to get myself involved because I know I'm gonna try to commit to a raiding schedule when I don't want to do that.

I'm just farming gold and leveling all my toons atm. Pally and warlock are my main focus. They're ilvl is at 325/324. Druid just hit 85 and I could care less about him lol. I hate cata healing. Shaman is 83 then I do my dk 80-85.

I have practically no dailies left by the time I do wildhammer clan, therazane, and tol barad. They need to raise the 25 cap.


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I've recently got hooked again..... The reason? Priests.

I started leveling up my priest... up to 60 now. Shadow for PvE and I'm in limbo between shadow and disc for PvP. I was Disc because everywhere I read how good they were. Then I tried shadow, just in my pve spec, and I'm destroying face. I may switch over to shadow pvp, but haven't decided yet.


Failboat sails at 9
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I've recently got hooked again..... The reason? Priests.

I started leveling up my priest... up to 60 now. Shadow for PvE and I'm in limbo between shadow and disc for PvP. I was Disc because everywhere I read how good they were. Then I tried shadow, just in my pve spec, and I'm destroying face. I may switch over to shadow pvp, but haven't decided yet.
Totally worth it joe. Trust me. My buddy runs disc in pvp and pretty much never can die. I ran shadow pve and so long as your gear is on par and you're decent at remembering and timing a rotation, you'll always win at DPS.


It be me, Sammo
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I hate disc priest combo in pvp -_____- ( unless hes with me. LOL )

Disc Priest with a Pally tank. ZOMG! Life time to take them down.


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I made a new toon with my friend a couple weeks ago. He made a worgen warrior, 42 now, and I made a worgen hunter, 36 now. I'm basically powerleveling us with my 85 (love dual box). All we do is dungeons, no quests, he quests a bit on the side when he's got the time. We don't play too much though since we have nearly opposite schedules.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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im 1700 rated or was b4 i started selling points caps in 2s and 3s on 4 toons lol..i feel so lame having 4 pvp geared 85s, and a lock on the way.


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Time to wreck with the disc priest :D


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Forgot to mention that I got hacked last week. They sold all of my stuff and then took all the gold. So I put in a ticket to blizzard. What did they do?

Within one hour of opening the ticket - ALL of my stuff was restored on all of my accounts. Not only that, but I JUST got an e-mail telling me they'll ship me a free authenticator if I want it, no shipping or anything. I'm REALLY impressed with how they handled this. +2 for Blizz.


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Forgot to mention that I got hacked last week. They sold all of my stuff and then took all the gold. So I put in a ticket to blizzard. What did they do?

Within one hour of opening the ticket - ALL of my stuff was restored on all of my accounts. Not only that, but I JUST got an e-mail telling me they'll ship me a free authenticator if I want it, no shipping or anything. I'm REALLY impressed with how they handled this. +2 for Blizz.
Usually Blizzard is REALLY good about getting hacked. It took me a couple of days to get everything restored but they still did it in a timely fashion. But I called support directly, I didn't put in a ticket. Someone had merged my WoW account to a account (this was before accounts were required) and changed the password. The guy changed everything for me right over the phone and then I bought an authenticator after that. It's funny, when I logged onto my main character (only 1 80 at the time), I was in mid-air, over Sholazar Basin, naked, and I was dismounted and fell to my death :rolf: :rolf:. I must admit, the way they left me with nothing was REALLY neat :lol: :lol:.

For some reason, I've been getting a lot of spam mail saying "too many log in attempts, warning #__", blah blah blah in my inbox (the e-mail account I registered the WoW account to, not Again, this was before accounts were required). I know it's more than likely spam but I usually get all those fake Blizzard e-mails in my junk folder. Now it's showing up in my inbox.


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John - I have to admit.. that's hilarious that they left you in mid air to fall to your death when you logged on. Just to add one extra layer of douche to what they'd already done. :lol:

Well.. no playing for me right now.. gotta head to school to work on a project..


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I wish I could play at work... I don't have a laptop though and our work network requires a log-in and I'm sure they'd see my bandwith usage :lol:.


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My wife and I used to play, I had an 80 mage, and 80 Dk she had an 80 lock, ended up selling them a while back. Made some decent money. =) only play on the PS3 now, easier to stop when it is bed time.


Failboat sails at 9
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John, you see if you were a priest, you would have just hit levitate and done just fine that high in the air. :D
