is this for real?! ppl seriously believe this?

jdm jim

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I've read the Holy Bible, the Tao Te Ching, The Satanic Bible, parts of the Qur'An, and also some resources on earth magicks and done plenty of soul-searching in my day.

Do you know what I've gathered from it all?

I'm going to die.
the first words in the kjv of the holy bible are gen.1 In the beginning god created........this means that it was written to belivers. sorry idk how to do mutiple quotes.

Mr. Jollypants

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the first words in the kjv of the holy bible are gen.1 In the beginning god created........this means that it was written to belivers. sorry idk how to do mutiple quotes.
In the beginning I wrote this sentence..


It's on ass-backwards.
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In the beginning ....

This thread was about geocentric astronomy.


Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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In the beginning ....
This thread was asking to become a religious debate. Then I struck a lightning bolt upon the nonbeliever, and all nonbelievers of Atheism call be struck dead.


It's on ass-backwards.
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Come not near to me, for I am holier than thou!


I'm NOT eran!
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this is serious guys and nothing to laugh about. why do you think our money says in god we trust on it.
I cross it off all of the paper money I get. =) It doesn't belong there. It's wrong for it to be there.
this has been exciting guys. let me know your decision.
I'm an atheist. I will be one my entire life. I don't see any need to change my mind.

Asking me if I believe in god is just as ridiculous to me as if you asked me if I believed in unicorns.
i really dont give a hoot about religion just the word of god. the only scoffers are the ones that never read can find answers to every problem in life there.look at the post back where that person turned their life around,do you think they could do that on their own? im really glad i logged in today. you guys take care.
Of course someone can turn their life around on their own or with the help of others (not including god).

It's sad to think there are people out there who believe that you need a god in order to change your life for the better or have morals.
sorry idk how to do mutiple quotes.
Click this button (
) on the bottom of the posts you want to quote, then for the last one click this button (

On a lighter note, who here has corrupted the offspring of a clergyman? Or just your run of the mill bible thumper, etc.


Failboat sails at 9
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I'm an atheist. I will be one my entire life. I don't see any need to change my mind.

On a lighter note, who here has corrupted the offspring of a clergyman? Or just your run of the mill bible thumper, etc.

And I lay stake to making my roommate actually see what its like to be an atheist, and now he has pretty much all but converted his ideals. It's so wonderful seeing people realize the truth. uh oh. I said truth. That will stir up some arguments now. :roll:


Failboat sails at 9
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I need me a good sig now. magic8 got one likewise with eran. come on now.



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hate to bring up an old thread, but everyone on here that is on the science side you are just as wrong as everybody else. think about it this way, science is all based on putting two phenomena together and getting a result from doing so, in which case the result is the same every time. but where does this ever happen besides in a lab? have you ever woke up in the morning, got on the bus, went to work, or done anything at all that was EXACTLY the same as a previous experience? the answer to that for all of us im sure is no. the only reason science has any authority on proving anything is because we say it does.


OG スバリスト
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i have to disagree with your statement. science has authority on proving things due to physical evidence, rather than belief. and it can only "prove" what it explains. however, this is why we call things theories and not laws any more.


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"science is going to tell you that the only things worth describing are those phenomena that can be repeatedly triggered. This is being these are the only phenomena that science can describe and that's the name of the game as far as they are concerned."
-terence mckenna

Mr. Jollypants

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See, Science has this funny way of proving things. It has tests, then they do tests on the tests, than other people do the tests, and if it all comes out the same, it's true. You're just a little bible thumper who reads the bible, and thinks God created everything. Who created God? If God created EVERYTHING, doesn't that mean he created Evil?
