Can anybody describe what a typical Christmas Ale tastes like? I've never had a Christmas seasonal type of beer. I mean, fall beers tend to have a distinct taste... what do you guys think of the "Christmas" ones?
Well, Anchor's Christmas ale changes each year and they've been making it since 1975 (I Think). I heard last year's was absolutely amazing.
Usually Christmas Seasonals (AKA Winter Warmers) are 8% + Alc. and can contain mixed spices, which are absolutely delicious and awesome for cold winter nights. Perfect for the season.
Other are:
Full Sail Wassail:
Very Malty but the hops really help balance things out...a well crafted beer.
I also really like Avery's Old Jubilation:
8% alc, very nice for the winter. Some coffee/toffee notes.
There's a lot of amazing seasonal beers out there!
Here's more information I found on Winter Warmers: