Probably, I commented on one of his fb statuses last week, so at least we know he's alive and well.
Maybe Petey Pete? I was supposed to meet him one day with @Szady but it never happened. His blue sedan was my very first inspiration at CC lol.
Hahaha, hounded! :rolf:
Side note, @anfrey posted in his HoF thread the other day. Now we just need to get him to post in here... Connie you seem to always bring the OGs back, go summon Anf!
Da fuq is that?
We're actually fb/ig/snapchat friends. I never had any issues with him, that I can remember anyways. I just enjoyed the crying baby picture haha
I'm slowly building my Acura, that counts right?
Who am I kidding, I just bring it to a shop now and say take my monies. Only major thing I've done myself other than maintenance is a retrofit and a tranny flush. I don't plan on doing any motor work though... the I/E is as far as it goes.
You might want to look into different insurance companies then. I actually saved OVER 50% by switching from Allstate to Geico. Same coverage plus glass.
OP, I'm with everyone else here - I would recommend parting it out or sell as it. Unless you plan on running it into the ground with no...
I got a Ninja 500 as my first bike, and I'm happy with it. This will be the 4th year I've owned it. I got it as it's a good beginner bike, and also because I was told I'd get bored with a 250. Picked it up for a great deal, so I couldn't pass it up.