So I'm looking on the IO port racing site (which KICKS ASS by the way, I WILL be purchasing through them...) and they have some extensive cages.
You're looks like a fairly simple 300-ish dollar one that goes right behind the seats... I was just looking to see how I could take advantage of my open space and maybe get a big 6 point one, but this one confuses me.
That basically just cages the driver + passenger in, and the way that cage is displayed, is as if the car were looking forward at us? it looks like the 2 diagonal bars go back to the rear shock towers.
I dunno. That's pretty nifty though. I remember asking you about the camera mount before, and this is sweet. I think I'm gonna do a cage and 2 camera mounts, one for video when I do autocrossing and what not next year, and another for still camera (my digital Rebel) and use a remote to take the pics.