Soon2bsick Vtec


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Get a quick release steering wheel, get a whole kit with NRG release kit for around $120, good looking wheel too.
lol where the heck are you shopping???? I actually dont want quick release.. I just want a hub and steering wheel but its all about the same price it seems like

I have about $300 to work with now, I keep changing my mind about what to get though


Frame Bangin
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i love my quick release. favorite part easily lol plus adds security. no wheel, no steering


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you guys are really talking me into this... I hate the stock steering wheel...its bigger than the one on my SUV! feels like drivin a van.

I will throw the cash for a good quick release (nrg) but I would really rather put out 40-60 for a steering wheel instead of $130-$200


Frame Bangin
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yeah they arent cheap, but i think it was worth the money. looks so much nicer and the wheel feels better. you dont need a quick release though, or you can always get that later on. just do the wheel and hub adapter for now


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yeah they arent cheap, but i think it was worth the money. looks so much nicer and the wheel feels better. you dont need a quick release though, or you can always get that later on. just do the wheel and hub adapter for now
does nrg make just a hub adapter? Ive never bought aftermarket steering wheels so I dont know what all pieces I need to make it work


Frame Bangin
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um idk. you would be fine with one off ebay. its just an adapter. the quick release you gotta be pickier with since it has to stay locked and whatnot. just look around on ebay. they make packages too


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yea I seen that, might just do that (ebay kit) cause like you said its not quick release so not like I have to worry about it falling off when drivin lol


Frame Bangin
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yeah and even their quick releases im sure will be fine. i just paid for the name lol its worth a try, can always be removed


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all you need to get is a steering wheel adapter, a quick release (if you want one), and an aftermarket steering wheel...and you're set to go! make sure the adapter is the right one for your car, so it will sit right on your steering column when you install it.


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I think it would be a good thing to do something thats worth the money it would be to me anyway. Post up pics of the one you chosse when you figure out which one you want.


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Looks pretty good i like it not sure about the size comparision to stock wheel though sorry. 1sik civic could probably tell you


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It is really cool, but if you don't have power steering it will be harder to turn specially when parking, that's something I don't matter, I'm looking for one for me, and also looking for some gym to get stronger arms for turning


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It is really cool, but if you don't have power steering it will be harder to turn specially when parking, that's something I don't matter, I'm looking for one for me, and also looking for some gym to get stronger arms for turning

yeah I would imagine, I have power steering though but I still don't want a super small steering wheel I guess I need to use my mathmatics.

So I got back from being gone about 4 days and came home to 3 packages :D

one being my new 4-2-1 Ebay header

My Royal Purple Oil Filter

anddd my spark plug wires

decided to go ahead and pull my AEM short ram intake to get it cleaned up, tomorrow I gotta get the gunk from the AEM decal off of it and sand it a little

in the wash tub

My birthday was yesterday and now I am trying to make a list of what to buy with the money I got, Funny how when you have no money you can think of a million things to buy but now I can't think of anything :roll:


"to punish and enslave"
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Happy Birthday!! That wheel & hub look good, also love that 4-2-1 header kit, it's gonna look good under your hood.


Frame Bangin
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um i have a 350 and its farily close to stock. i didnt compare them but they feel pretty close. so you will be just a little smaller. mine i slightly larger i think but not sure


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go measure yours and see if its 32 or 35 cm
I'll do that tomorrow when it isn't raining, I think getting the 320mm will be a risk of not liking how small it is, the 320mm = 12.5 inches and the 350mm is 14 inches so I think finding a 350mm is a better idea for me

I can't decide whether to get a spoiler now or just wait until I have the money to paint it at the same time. I kind of feel like I can buy a lot of little things I want and then when I sell my truck in a few weeks buy the big things I want right before it's time to paint
