Well I'm back at it again.... I have started/stopped/started trying to lose weight about 5 times now
. So hopefully number 6 does it
. I have finally kicked my alcohol habit and soda problem. Before when I went without I had strong cravings, but Soda at least is not craved by me... Alcohol will take a little time I suppose...
I want to lose weight and get ripped for next summer so I can walk around with my shirt off...
I'm so confused though, because should I focus on losing the weight and then once I'm a skinny twig start hitting the gym? Or do they go hand in hand? The reason I ask is because one of my friends is fat as hell, but he's extremely strong (Not sure if he has all that muscle from hauling around his blubber), but he just looks fat....
I guess I'm confused a bit more and the Internet just confuses me more with all these different things to try...
I mean the obvious. Eat healthy smaller meals. Get rid of Soda, Beer, Fried Foods, condiments, etc... I know and it makes since, but the excercizing and calorie intake confuses the hell out of me...
If I eat healthy and pump iron, and do ton of cardio will I get the results I want?