Gas Prices...

Genuine Rolla

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Just paid $4.19


Rubbin on yo booty
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its goinggggg downnnnnnnnnn

use to be : $4.19
now: $4.12



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four f**king twenty. sick and wrong.

the cheapest i've seen is still 4.15, but i saw one last night that was 4.25. FTMFL.

this is all for 87, btw. :angryfire


OG スバリスト
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yeah, it's been over $4 for regular for a couple weeks here already.. i find it insane that we're paying california prices here in indiana!! CA cost of living > IN cost of living, thus CA wages > IN wages.


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ye gods... look at california... all us poor californians. :lol:

when did you change your little title to something about sushi? am i that unobservant? :lol:

maybe it's because i had nummy inarizushi today... :yummy:


OG スバリスト
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lol a while ago, i can't remember when... and yeah, my county is just as red as california.... now look at those dark green patches in wyoming..


OG スバリスト
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that map is BS cuz i pay 4 bucks for my 93 gas...
that map is for regular. add 20 cents for premium, or you can click the map and zoom in to your neighborhood.

and yes, i'm a gasbuddy price reporter person lol.


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Living in the Southeast ftw.. I dont even look at the prices anymore. I just reach for the 87 and hope for the best :P

I got gas day before yesterday. It was at $3.74. I feel bad for these poor bastards in these gigantic suv's. I smile when I fill up my car for ~$38


Show Me Them Titties
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i just paid $4.39 for 7.76 gallons

$34... not horrible for having to fill up every 2 weeks


CC's Youngest OG
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Half of my tank costs 25 dollars, where it used to be 20 dollars for 3/4 a tank... whatever.


NA is Best
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that map is for regular. add 20 cents for premium, or you can click the map and zoom in to your neighborhood.

and yes, i'm a gasbuddy price reporter person lol.
what does that get you? i've been watching the prices around town and was thinking about uploading some prices that i see in my route to work.


NA is Best
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heres how i think of it. i drive a 1991 acura integra. its like 3.90/gal here and my tank usually takes 11gallons to fill up. at most it'll cost me less than $45 to fill up. thats a lot of money compared to two years ago, but its the same that these Tahoe drivers have been paying for YEARS. If they could do it all that time, i can do it now. For the people that have Tahoes now. with prices the way they are now....they're morons.

i dont care how many kids you have. if you have three or less kids, you can make a 1996 honda accord work for you.


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Then still Smart Ass it would yellow to orange here...
Gas in Harris County is cheaper than Dallas/Tarrant Counties. They only have to move it a few miles from the refinery.

Regular is $3.81 at the Shell so I'm pretty sure it's still availiable at Racetrac or Murphy $3.79 or less
EDIT: yep. it's $3.77 at the Valero around the corner from Shell

I just got back from Ohio. It was over $4.00 there just like the map says. I'm pretty certain it's accurate.

Genuine Rolla

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wow...great to see that CT all in red.....


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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Ct has crazy gas taxes too though. Pretty much all the places in red have higher taxes on gas


OG スバリスト
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what does that get you? i've been watching the prices around town and was thinking about uploading some prices that i see in my route to work.
a good feeling inside =) it helps everyone out.
