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  1. XpL0d3r

    Need advice re: Inserting silencer in muffler -does it adversely affect performance?

    :welcome: to ClubCivic! You if you can get back to AutoZone, have them pull the code again, and post it here. Some fellow members should be able to help you out. :thumbs up

  2. XpL0d3r

    My apologies

    ^ what a sentence :lol:
  3. XpL0d3r

    Any del sol users

    Szady has a Del Sol, and is a VERY knowledgeable D-series guy. Hit him up!
  4. XpL0d3r

    d16y8 block with d16y7 head

    It's possible, just no vtec. Check out some posts from Szady in this thread: :thumbs up
  5. XpL0d3r

    Another Texan

    You're probably fine without replacing the wires, but it wouldn't hurt. I'd replace the spark plugs while you're there too though. Glad you figured it out though..! :thumbs up
  6. XpL0d3r

    FS: 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe

    She got a photoshoot today for some kid's lighting class, they came out well! Just waiting to get copies of them. Bump, bump bump it up!
  7. XpL0d3r

    OG reintroduction

    :welcome: back man! +1 for another person from Roc, lol.
  8. XpL0d3r

    Engine Issues HELP!!

    Apparently if you have a code, yes. Without a CEL, maybe?
  9. XpL0d3r

    Engine Issues HELP!!

    Bring it back to the shop, let them correct it. Sounds like the ECU is in limp mode for some reason.

  10. XpL0d3r

    Another Texan

    :welcome: to ClubCivic! The D16Y8 is the standard EX motor. When's the last time the car had a tune up? If there's no CEL's and it's been awhile for a tune up, try replacing the spark plugs, air filter, and maybe even cleaning the IACV. It kind of sounds like the engine is getting deprived of...
  11. XpL0d3r

    looking for decent tuner in Chicago

    Moved to the midwest section :thumbs up
  12. XpL0d3r

    CC official computer tech/help thread (PC/MAC, smartphone, game console)

    64 GB?! I don't think all the servers COMBINED at my company have 64 GB lol. That's awesome! I want to get one, I've been researching them lately and there's SO much you can do with them.
  13. XpL0d3r

    LS/VTECH w/ITR Pistons: VTECH Not Kickin In Properly!

    OP, could you clarify your original post? From what I got out of it, Vtec isn't working properly until about 5500RPM? What ECU are you running? Depending on the ECU and how it was (or wasn't) tuned, Vtec by default engages at ~5300 RPM with a P28 ECU. Honestly it could just be the tune or lackof...
  14. XpL0d3r

    CC official computer tech/help thread (PC/MAC, smartphone, game console)

    I like this. While I'm here then... Raspberry Pi.... anyone? ;)
  15. XpL0d3r

    Ebay turbo's

    ^ Best post in the thread IMO. eBay stuff CAN be good, it can also be terrible. It's risky. For advice, stay away from stainless steel manifolds, and get a GOOD tune. I suggest getting it professionally tuned, this way if they blow it up while tuning it it's under them. Every reputable tuner...
  16. XpL0d3r

    Turbos - Fuel Pump & Injectors

    Moved to Forced Induction section ;) OP, need to know your power goals first. For most you'll probably be fine with some DSM blue tops, a resistor box, and a Walbro 255lph fuel pump. IMHO I don't like the resister box, and it looks tacky. I have Injector Dynamics 720cc injectors and I love...
  17. XpL0d3r

    FS: 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe

    Phhh I'm not THAT far away! :lol: Up! It was nice last week so I took her out a couple times and got her a nice wash. :)
  18. XpL0d3r

    New guy here

    :welcome: man! In for some pics!